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Rules affecting us
Setup: 29-Feb-2012 [1047]
City of Toronto Act excerpts that might be helpful in creating a conservancy
Creating a conservancy: principles and goals
Winter Story Chapter 27 by Jutta Mason -- introducing the idea of a Ward 18 Parks Conservancy
Winter Story Chapter 28 -- Parks Conservancy workbook
City web information about Board of Management centres.
Documents from the City of Toronto Act
The city's new User Fee Policy
City of Toronto Unsolicited proposals Procedure
Historical precedents: Board of Management Community Centres
The following pdf documents concern Toronto’s Board of Management community centres, of which there are eight. These less centralized community centres go back to a popular revolt against the Parks and Recreation Department that heated up at the end of the 1970’s. The former Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, Herb Pirk, told me in an interview in 1994 that dissatisfaction with Parks and Recreation had already begun to bubble when he was hired right out of university in 1973. He said:
The Department of Parks and Recreation was very insular, city-hall controlled. They sent me out to meet with the community and be kind of the front person. And so I got hammered from the community and I’d come back here to City Hall, and they’d say, “well, you’ve got to hold the line” and I’d say, “wait a second, you can’t, this is not going to go well here.” My job was to represent the Department’s views. So when Scadding Court developed – they wanted an independent board of management – my job was to pull that back. Similarly with the 519 Church Centre. They wanted to be independent, less bureaucratic, more an expression of the community. In 1980-81 city council created a task force to review the neighbourhood social and recreational services of the city. This task force was to see if there were ways to remove some of the central control from City Hall and put it into communities. The intent of that was really to have most of the community centres run by boards of management.
There’s more to learn about that development, and what happened to it.
Original Board of management #1
Original Board of management #2
Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations
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Association of Community Centres (AOCCs)
Rules affecting us
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link (ABCC-CommunityCentres.pdf)
Chapter Twenty-eight
The Ward 18 Parks Conservancy: a workbook
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Jutta Mason: Parks story
Jutta's Park Conservancy chapters
Rules affecting us
Date: 01-Mar-2012 [1055]
Chapter Twenty-seven
Introducing the idea of a parks conservancy
Part of:
Jutta Mason: Parks story
Jutta's Park Conservancy chapters
Rules affecting us
Date: 17-Feb-2012 [1033]
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Provincial Statutes
Rules affecting us
The Legal and Regulatory Framework
Date: 22-Sep-2011 [653]
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Rules affecting us
Date: 29-May-2012
direct link (CouncilAction.pdf)
How might City Council create the space for a rinks or parks conservancy?
Description: Here is our lay summary of some possible opportunities within the City of Toronto Act to make space for our local parks conservancy and local accountability pilot project.
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Regulatory View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Rules affecting us
Date: 01-Mar-2012
Belinda Cole
direct link
Permits - User Fee Policy 2011
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Cost Recovery- Parks
General Policies
Rules affecting us
Date: 07-Oct-2011 [686]
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Rules affecting us
Date: 29-May-2012
direct link (ProceduresForFutureDevelopm.pdf)
Unsolicited proposals procedure
Description: Toronto Office of Partnerships - Procedure Process for Receiving and Reviewing Unsolicited Quotations and Proposals
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Community Engagement
Rules affecting us
Date: 19-Jun-2010
direct link (TorontoOfficeOfPartnerships-ProcedureJan15-2008.pdf)
Why might City Council want to create the space for a rinks or parks conservancy?
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Rules affecting us
Date: 01-Mar-2012 By: Belinda Cole [1049]