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Unsolicited proposals procedure

19-Jun-2010 [403]

• Toronto Office of Partnerships - Procedure Process for Receiving and Reviewing Unsolicited Quotations and Proposals


Toronto Office of Partnerships - Procedure
Process for Receiving and Reviewing Unsolicited Quotations and Proposals
DATE: Jan 15, 2008


To assist external organizations that may be eager to partner with the City, Council adopted the Unsolicited Quotations or Proposals Policy at its meeting on June 19, 20 and 22, 2007. While the Policy provides guidance for those seeking to do business with the City outside of the conventional procurement system, it does not establish a definitive process through which such proposals may receive serious consideration. With this in mind, the following sets out a framework through which potential partners have an opportunity for their ideas to be presented and evaluated. Furthermore, the framework provides a formal mechanism for the disposition of all unsolicited quotations or proposals in a timely and conclusive manner.


The Unsolicited Quotations or Proposals Policy as adopted by Council at its meeting of June 19, 20 & 22, 2007, Report 5, Clause 6 of the Government Management Committee.


1 Preconditions for the Receipt of an Unsolicited Quotation or Proposal

1.1 Definition

An unsolicited quotation or proposal involves an offer for a new or innovative idea submitted to the City on the initiative of a proponent for the purpose of obtaining a contract with the City with the express intent of securing a financial return for the proponent. In addition, as per section 1(a) of the Policy, the proposal or quotation can not be in response to a current or anticipated request for proposal or any City-initiated solicitation or program.


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