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09-Sep-2011 [564] is a public database of documents about government rules pertaining to the use of public space. These rules can be legislation at the municipal, provincial or federal level, or administrative regulations, policies or procedures (mainly in Canada Images:canada_flag_16.png...). Documents in the database can be summaries of these rules, or stories about experiences that people have had with them. Analysis and insight articles are also included. Issues are explored.

This website has a point of view: All citizens should have open access to their commons, and should be able to be active partners in their commons. Also, we find that our public commons should be better managed.

Our aim is to make the database useful for everyone involved, both inside and outside government.

The focus is on the city of Toronto, though we hope the contents will be helpful to people elsewhere as well. is a project of CELOS (Centre for Local Research into Public Space), which is a charitable organization.

You are welcome to participate in the development of this database. If you or your organization has information or insights into the application and interpretation of rules in the course of organizing, supporting, or participating in events, please register, and contact us to become part of the team. Please note that contributions are moderated.

See legal disclaimer.