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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Setup: 18-Jul-2012 [1602]
• While the city has been centralizing, some ward 18 parks have been operated by local staff with initiative. It's worked, and the conservancy would like to keep that going
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A Ward 18 Parks Conservancy
While Parks, Forestry & Recreation (PFR) has been centrallizing over the past few years, several Ward 18 parks have been operating in a semi-autonomous way for that time. Then PFR implemented a "compliance" program to get Ward 18 to conform to the centralized way of doing things.
The Ward 18 parks have been very successful (productive) in their decentralized approach. PFR, with its centralized approach, not so much.
So the idea of the conservancy is to "conserve" the benefits gained over the past 20 years in terms of productivity. No extra money, just a more productive way of doing things.
Setup: 18-Jul-2012 [1602]
• While the city has been centralizing, some ward 18 parks have been operated by local staff with initiative. It's worked, and the conservancy would like to keep that going
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A Ward 18 Parks Conservancy
Guide: Here are 3 summary views of the conservancy...
Ward 18 Conservancy Poster
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 04-Aug-2012
direct link (conservancy_poster.pdf)
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
General City Governance
Date: 04-Jan-2012 By: Belinda Cole [881]
Why might City Council want to create the space for a rinks or parks conservancy?
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Rules affecting us
Date: 01-Mar-2012 By: Belinda Cole [1049]
Guide: PFR has had quite a few plans over the years, culminating in a functionally centralized technocracy
PFR Plans over the years: Source documents
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
City Strategies and Plans: Source Documents
Parks, Forestry & Recreation
Date: 21-Jul-2012 [1654]
Guide: Finally PFR decided to lower the boom on the Ward 18 CELOS experiment
Recommended Transfer of Programs from CELOS to PFR
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 10-Jul-2012
direct link (2011-00899.pdf)
Guide: The PFR changes caused major disruption in Ward 18 programming
City staff shortages threaten popular Dufferin Grove Park dinners
A Star article. July 18, 2012
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 18-Jul-2012
direct link (CityStaffShortagesThreatenDufferinPark.pdf)
Guide: Here are some other conservancy initiatives, although the Ward 18 proposal is pretty unique, being so well integrated with the responsible department
Ward 18 Conservancy: Other Conservancy Initiatives
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 18-Jul-2012 [1603]
11-09-08 DG Sept 10 event PUBLIC NOTICE
Description: A notice that regular programming must stop owing to an "unpermitted" "stop the cuts" protest
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 10-Sep-2011
direct link (11-09-08_DG_Sept_10_event_PUBLIC_NOTICE_v3_1.pdf)
Literature - Public Administration
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Governance and Effectiveness
Date: 18-Jul-2012 [1604]
PREZI: Conservancy (Short)
Click on Conservancy title below to open in new window
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
Videos and Picture Shows on Parks as Commons
Date: 12-Oct-2012 [6905]
User View: Changes in Dufferin Park Programming since City's Compliance Intitiative
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Background: Ward 18 Conservancy
User View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 08-Jul-2012 [1514]