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Regulatory View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Setup: 18-Jul-2012 [1605]
• There is lots of enabling regulation to provide the flexibility that the conservancy seeks
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A Ward 18 Parks Conservancy
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Community involvement
Regulatory View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 10-Sep-2011 [576]
Description: Council's Governance Authority for City Agencies
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Regulatory View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 06-May-2011 [255]
How might City Council create the space for a rinks or parks conservancy?
Description: Here is our lay summary of some possible opportunities within the City of Toronto Act to make space for our local parks conservancy and local accountability pilot project.
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Regulatory View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Rules affecting us
Date: 01-Mar-2012
Belinda Cole
direct link
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Community involvement
Regulatory View: Ward 18 Conservancy
Date: 22-Sep-2011 [640]