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A Ward 18 Parks Conservancy
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Setup: 18-Jul-2012 [1607]
Four Ward 18 parks were operated well, with a great deal of local decision-making, for years (to 2010), staying within budget for the years that we have information. Moreover there was revenue ("cookie money") that was able to be re-invested in the parks and related activities.
The message from management has been fairly consistent: Dufferin Grove in particular costs too much. It's a nice park but we can't afford it. We looked at the cost information for three Ward 18 cost centres: Dufferin Grove, Mary McCormick Community Recreation Centre (CRC) and Wallace-Emerson Community Recreation Centre (CRC). To compare:
In 2011, Wallace-Emerson CRC cost $1,527,174 to run, all in. The actual program costs totalled $622,076, and the administration and maintenance costs totalled $905,098 (including $473,638 for caretakers). Revenue covered only the actual program cost: $620,718. Taxes covered $906,456.
In 2011, McCormick CRC cost $1,117,900 to run, all in. The actual program costs totalled $515,778 and the administration and maintenance costs totalled $602,122 (including $373,943 for caretakers). Revenue covered mainly the direct program cost: $545,769. Taxes covered $572,131.
In 2011, Dufferin Grove totalled $299,278 for the actual program costs, plus some administration and maintenance costs. In addition, the donation revenue covered $71,899.99, also for mixed program/administration/operating costs. So taxes covered $299,278. However, for Dufferin Grove there are also operating costs connected with park maintenance, and there are off-site administration costs. The parks maintenance costs are not available by location, and neither are the administration costs. The only thing we know for sure is that the off-site administration costs must have increased sharply since the removal of local administration by onsite staff.
Once the costs are calculated, the missing element for comparison is usage -- value for money. Here are three census days available for Dufferin Grove:
May 6, 2010: 1441 people (with a three hour gap in the count).
July 30, 2011: 2003 people
July 21, 2012: 1992 people.
Setup: 18-Jul-2012 [1607]
·1· Dufferin Rink Donations Revenue 2011-2013 (Nov - Dec Comparisons)
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 03-Mar-2013 direct link (DufferinRinkDonationsRev2011-2013.pdf) [8662]
·2· Ward 18 Expenditure and Budget Source Documents
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 20-Sep-2012 [6751]
·3· Analysis of Spreadsheet: OPERATING EXPENDITURES DETAILS FOR WARD 18 from 2011 information Highlights and Commentary
Description: analysis of data from FOI 2012-0679
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis Ward 18 budget links
Date: 13-Jul-2012 [1555]
Description: Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation budget has been rising steadily (and substantially) whether in absolute or inflation-adjusted terms. The question is: why?
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis PFR Budget Information Understanding the Commons
Date: 22-Mar-2012 By: Henrik Bechmann [1101]
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 27-Mar-2012 direct link (CELOSBudgetRecommendations.pdf) [1107]
CHART: Ward 18 donations and expenditures by year To end of 2011
Description: smooth operation disrupted by PFR compliance initiative
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 09-Sep-2012 [6077]
Correspondence: Ward 18 Budget Source Documents
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis Ward 18 Expenditure and Budget Source Documents
Date: 24-Sep-2012 [6775]
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 29-Mar-2012 [1110]
Skate Lending in Ward 18 2010-11
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis Regulatory View: Skating Rinks Skate Lending
Date: 30-May-2012 direct link (SkateLending2010-11.pdf) [2247]
Staff Cost Skate Rental 2010-2011
Part of: Financial View: Skating Rinks Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis Skate Lending Staff Costs 2010-2011
Date: 30-May-2012 direct link (StaffCostSkateRental2010-2011.pdf) [2252]
Staff Costs 2010-2011 Dufferin, Wallace, Campbell and MacGregor
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 09-Apr-2012 [1140]
Description: The “budget bulletin board” will try to shine a light on the real costs of running the parks, ultimately to answer the question: ''could a conservancy return Ward 18 parks to having most activities wholly tax-supported without extra fees?"
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 28-Feb-2012 [1046]
Ward 18 Donations and Expeditures by Year To end of 2012
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 09-Sep-2012 direct link (CELOSWard18DonationsAndEexpenditure-1.pdf) [6073]
Ward 18 Financial data summary by location 2011 - 2012
Part of: Financial View: Ward 18 PFR Cost Data and Analysis
Date: 15-Feb-2013 [8558]
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