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Hockey Headgear and the Adequacy of Cur rent Designs and Standards

Safety in Ice Hockey, ASTM STP 1341, A. B. Ashare, Editor, American Society for Testing and Material 03-Feb-1998 [9467]

• Sports Biomechanics Impact Research Lab, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 2000


Extract: The CSA and ASTM hockey headgear standards are two of the least demanding standards in use and should be updated to account for new materials, a variety of hazards, and use conditions........Moreover both the CSA and ASTM hockey helmet standards need to be updated to include the more rigorous testing that many other helmets already have to endure....neither hockey helmet standard accounts for many of the obvious hazards involved in hockey. Hockey pucks can be projected at very high speeds; yet, the CSA and ASTM hockey helmet standards call for no such projectile impact tests.

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