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Getting Involved

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Getting Involved

Setup: 15-Jan-2013 [8353]

• Some people don't stop at participating, or even volunteering. Some people try to have an impact on public space. Since it's all shared, that can be both tricky and rewarding.

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Sorted by: ·custom order· (if any), title (asc). Page 1 of 1 (items 1-7 of 7)

·1· Community involvement

Community Involvement is one of the hallmarks of a great city. This folder provides a doorway into this side of the public commons.

·2· Community Advisory Stakeholders Lists

A catalog of groups in Toronto involved with community building

·3· Governance and The Commons: Trillium Project - 2010 - 2012

In 2010 The Ontario Trillium Foundation provided CELOS with a grant to explore working with the commons in various ways. Here's the story.

·5· Bio-toilet

The story of trying to get a (donated) bio-toilet installed near the playground at Dufferin Grove park, so the kids wouldn't have to use the nearby tree. Didn't work though.

·6· A Ward 18 Parks Conservancy

Possibly, a better way to govern public space

·7· Jutta Mason: Parks story
pragmatism vs technocracy

The 20 year story of the rise and (potential) fall of the iconic Dufferin Grove Park

page 1 of 1 (items 1-7 of 7) per page: