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User Guide: Wading Pools
Setup: 24-Oct-2012 [7355]
• People go to wading pools to have fun and cool off. Staff can help with that through crafts tables, puzzles and the like. Recently the focus has shifted.
Part of
Wading pools are places to have fun. So they have not only been places to cool off, but also places where kids could do crafts, puzzles, and reading. And of course just play and run around in the park or a nearby playground.
But in the past year "safety" protocols put in place by Toronto Aquatics has put a bit of a damper on this:
Unfortunately all these things have made for a less welcoming atmosphere.
This topic gets into this issue in some more detail.
Setup: 24-Oct-2012 [7355]
• People go to wading pools to have fun and cool off. Staff can help with that through crafts tables, puzzles and the like. Recently the focus has shifted.
Part of
How safe is too safe?
safety precautions at wading pools
Henrik Bechmann's Blog
- Part of
A Bird's Eye View: When Lively Parks meet the Rules
Safety and Liability
User Guide: Wading Pools
Date: 21-Aug-2012 [5704]
The Social Isolation of Over-Specialized Wading Pool Workers
Henrik Bechmann's Blog
- Part of
User Guide: Wading Pools
Date: 02-Sep-2012 [5738]
Management note to Aquatics worker
Description: A management note to an aquatics worker during the summer of 2012, confirming policy of "if there's nothing to do, do nothing" (but watch the empty pool).
Part of:
User Guide: Wading Pools
Date: 22-Oct-2012
direct link (2012-10-20-AquaticNote_1.jpg)
Ward 18 Wading Pools: Triumph of Technocracy over Reason (1)
Description: An initiative by a wading pool worker to set up a craft table for kids (while the pool was empty) is declared dangerous
Henrik Bechmann's Blog
- Part of
A Bird's Eye View: When Lively Parks meet the Rules
User Guide: Wading Pools
Date: 18-Aug-2012 [5692]
New paved path
Part of Wading Pool facelift
Part of:
Accessible Playground
Dufferin Park Access
Picture Album: Dufferin - Playground
User Guide: Wading Pools
Date: 04-Dec-2008
direct link (PC040008.jpg)
Video: Wading Pools - Summer 2012
Description: To browse through PREZI slide show, scroll below Video
Part of:
User Guide: Wading Pools
Videos and Picture Shows on Parks as Commons
Date: 17-Feb-2013 [8575]
Description: The City of Toronto has a sole-source contract with the lifesaving society for training and materials. This topic also contains details on chlorine and more.
Part of:
Safety and Liability
User Guide: Wading Pools
Date: 24-Oct-2012 [7356]