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Capital Projects

Setup: 10-Sep-2011 [574]

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2011: "Core Service Review": North York session

Description: Notes on the budget-related "core service review" that invited Torontonians to rank the services they liked best

Part of: Capital Projects PFR Strategies and Plans: Commentaries Recreation Service Plan and Core Service Review consultations

Date: 29-May-2011 [6]

Capital Emergency Fund

Part of: Capital Projects City Spending

Date: 28-May-2010 [275]

Cash-in-lieu policy evaluation

Description: request for staff report from Councillor Howard Moscoe

Part of: Capital Projects Cash Handling and Risk Management

Date: 14-Jun-2010 direct link (EvaluationOfParksCashInLieuPolicy.pdf) [372]

Community consultation rules

Description: Reduction in community consultations

Part of: Capital Projects Community Engagement

Date: 23-Jun-2010 direct link (backgroundfile-26065.pdf) [405]

Donations for PFR capital projects

Description: Charitable Donations for Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital projects. Citywide, 2005.

Part of: Capital Projects Donations

Date: 15-Jun-2010 [392]

Park levies Allocation Policy

Description: Section 42 Planning Act park levies: councillors vote contrary to their own policy

Part of: Capital Projects General Policies

Date: 28-May-2010 [264]

Parkland Acquisitions - History

Description: City of Toronto Parkland acquisitions from 1998 - 2009, May 7 2010

Part of: Capital Projects Parkland by-law

Date: 14-Jun-2010 [370]

parkland acquisitions -- finances

Description: City of Toronto Parkland acquisitions from 1998 - 2009, additional financial information, June 9 2010

Part of: Capital Projects Parkland by-law

Date: 14-Jun-2010 [371]

People Plan Toronto

Description: The City Budget – An Unsustainable Approach to Planning

Part of: Capital Projects

Date: 28-May-2010 [292]

Privately-built community centres

Description: Don Mills Community Centre, a city recreation centre built and operated by a developer

Part of: Capital Projects Community Centres

Date: 13-Aug-2010 [411]

Toronto Walking Strategy

Description: This pdf is too large for immediate display.

Part of: Capital Projects City Strategies and Plans: Source Documents

Date: 26-Nov-2010 Source: City of Toronto website [418]

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