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Using the Commons

Topic details

Using the Commons

Setup: 15-Aug-2012 [5685]

• How you can enjoy the use of our Commons. Parks Forestry & Recreation offer facilities in parks and community centres for Torontonians to come together and play.

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-- Details --
Sorted by: ·custom order· (if any), title (asc). Page 1 of 1 (items 1-18 of 18)

·2· Playgrounds

Kids love the adventure, the excitement, and the fun! Toronto has about 800 city playgrounds.

·5· Food in public space

Food is the best, and goes with outdoor space like eggs go with salsa

·6· Campfires

One of the simple things that bring people together

·7· Community Centres

There are just over 150 Community and Recreation centres in Toronto

·8· Accessible playgrounds

How can neighbourhood playgrounds be fun for all kids, including those who are physically challenged?

·9· Outdoor Skating Rinks

Toronto has more artificial outdoor skating rinks (over 50) than any other city in the world.

·10· Sports in Public Space

The City has just under 200 sports fields on offer.

·11· Bake Ovens

Bake ovens are a great way to learn about cooking, history, and fire in a social setting. And the food is delicious!

·12· Pedestrian and Street Commons

Some cities are famous for their sidewalk cafes; others for their village centres and car-free zones. This topic is a placeholder for us as an important part of the public commons.

·14· Permits

There are two basic ways to use park facilities: through programs, and through permits. This Topic provides information on permits.

·15· How Do I ... ?

Tips from experience

·16· Growing food on Public Commons

Toronto farmers market vendors have been talking about the market garden possibilities of the federal ex-airport lands near Pickering. There are food gardens in Toronto parks as well.

·17· Community Gardens

Whether it's growing food or flowers, community gardens are a great way to "play in the mud" with friends, neighbours, and the young ones too.

·18· Toronto Street Festivals

Examples of street festivals in Toronto. Dates listed are approximate - check the websites. If you have any events to add, let us know.

·19· Facilities in Parks

A general list of facilities that make time in Toronto's parks more fun and interesting

page 1 of 1 (items 1-18 of 18) per page: