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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Setup: 07-Apr-2011 [429]
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First Aid
This is about WORKER safety, workers' access to first aid in case of injury, NOT first aid for members of the public or participants in a program...
"The expense of furnishing and maintaining first aid appliances and services shall be borne by the employer." -p 6
"All places of employment must have workers trained in first aid and first aid boxes with the equipment they need to off er first aid service quickly and safely." -p 15
"First Aid Training for Workers
Regulation 1101 requires all employers to ensure that first aid boxes and stations are in the charge of workers who hold valid first aid certificates issued by a training agency recognized by the Board. Employers should arrange for first aid training directly with the recognized training organization of their choice." -p 20
There are lots of providers - training seems to be minimum 13 hours, avg 16 hours; some trainers offer AED training in addition, for more $ though not always more hours; standard cost between $95 - $150 depending on who is providing location, AED or not, etc.
Very general... a policy approved in 1998. simply says that the City as an employer will comply with WSIB Regulation 1101, all City of Toronto workplaces are subject to this.
It also says: "Managers/supervisors are responsible for ensuring that an appropriate number of personnel are trained in first aid/CPR at those facilities under their jurisdiction."
So: it's managers/supervisors responsibility to make sure there's always someone with First Aid/CPR training on site, in accordance with the WSIB guidelines. It's NOT a City-wide policy, at least not officially, that ALL staff need to be trained. Also, this policy only references the WSIB Regulation 1101, so it's about worker safety, not the safety of participants or members of the public... there must be some other policy regarding participant safety/staff certification
(on adapted programs/integrated services:) "Staff are 18 years or older and are selected based on positive attitude, experience working with individuals with special needs, enthusiasm and compassion." (no specific mention of staff being trained in first aid or cpr...)
Link to the job postings section was not working, so i couldn't see if first aid training was a requirement for anything...
According to a telephone agent at FUN, all trainings that are accessible through the FUN guide are provided by the Lifesaving Society; the Lifesaving Society has a contract with the City.
Application form for first aid training through To. EMS - including policy on absences/refunds:
EMS Toronto: list&descriptions of first aid and cpr trainings
EMS how to become an instructor:
Lifesaving Society - Ontario: list&descriptions of first aid and cpr trainings
Maybe useful later? - City of Toronto - Human Resources Policies tuition reimbursement for employee development
WSIB Ontario - First Aid requirements, regulation 1101
Part of:
First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
Source: celos
direct link (FAEng.pdf)
WSIB Ontario - list of approved first aid trainers
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link
City of Toronto - Human Resources Policies - First Aid/CPR
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link (FirstAid-CPR.pdf)
City of Toronto - PF&R - FUN Guide
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link
City of Toronto - Human Resources Policies tuition reimbursement
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link (EmployeeDevelopment.pdf)
EMS First Aid/CPR Instructor Courses
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link
Description: Offers various courses
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Wading pool safety
Who makes the rules?
Date: 15-Jul-2012
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Toronto EMS First Aid & CPR Courses
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First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
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Part of:
First Aid City Staff Training Requirements
Date: 15-Jul-2012
direct link (External-Training-Application-2009v1.pdf)