Most of the time entering a keyword like "campfires" or "bake ovens" or "permits" will get you started just fine. But here are some simple operators you can experiment with to refine your search (think of these as a tiny query language).
Operator | Meaning | Example | Finds |
+ | AND operator; word must be included; use this most of the time | +apples +oranges | both "apples" and "oranges" must be found in the same document. |
- | NOT operator; word must not be included |
apples |
"apples" must be found without the word "oranges". |
* | wild card (must be appended to the end) | camp* | camp, camps, campfire, campfires, Campbell |
<blank> | absence of an operator is interpreted as OR; any document with the word will be found | apples oranges | any document with either "apples" or "oranges" will be found |
"<phrase>" | exact phrase; words enclosed in double quotes must be found exactly | "orange apples" | the phrase "orange apples" must be found |
(<term>) | grouping; search terms in parentheses are evaluated separately |
+bananas |
find "bananas" with either "apples" or "oranges" |
Note that keywords less than four characters long are ignored.
Keywords are searched in the Title, Caption, Location, Description, and Body of documents.
Keyword search does not look for the root of plurals. So "campfires" will not find "campfire", nor will "campfire" find "campfires". To find both use "campfire*".
Some (very commonly used) keywords are ignored altogether. These are called "stopwords". For a list see stopwords.
Comment on:
Cash handling at Ward 18 Parks and Rinks
From the CELOS Governance and The Commons: Trillium Project - 2010 - 2012:
The three new community kitchens had wide use in their first season, as did the two new skate lending operations. In the fall of 2012, after quite a few meetings, cash-handling for three of four community cafe/ skate lending operations was transferred to the city. Our group initiated the transfer but had some strong doubts about the city’s cash-handling system. Rather than keep trying (unsuccessfully) to make the case for a more collaborative approach, we took the transfer as an opportunity for empirical research, to document the effects of the city’s cash-handling methods when applied in practice. In the first ten weeks after the transfer of cafes and skate-lending at Dufferin Rink, revenue from these two activities decreased by $18,500 (i.e. by approximately 40%). The skate lending programs at all three rinks began to shrink. Collaboration among on-site staff and community users was declared a conflict of interest unless staff stayed strictly “on message.” Since part of the city management message was that cafes and skate lending were not a legitimate part of the “business” of parks, this meant that the funds raised in this way were not to be applied to promoting free pick-up sports in these or other parks. We want to follow up with a slide show/video to document the problematic cash-handling processes, and possible remedies.
Henrik Bechmann
Comment on:
City of Toronto Financial Trends
Commentary received privately:
This is looking at gross costs - for public health and EMS and social services Province is taking up more of the costs