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British Columbia

27-May-2013 [9349]

British Columbia

The requirements for play areas and play structures in British Columbia are broad “outcome-based” regulations, as set out below.

B.C. Reg. 332/2007
O.C. 728/2007
Deposited November 8, 2007

Community Care and Assisted Living Act
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 26/2008, February 8, 2008]

Division 2 — Facility Requirements

Play area, materials and equipment

16 (1) A licensee, other than a licensee who provides a care program described as Occasional Child Care, must have for each child at least 7 m2 of outdoor play area.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a licensee who provides a care program described as Family Child Care, but the licensee must provide an indoor and outdoor play area for children.

(3) A licensee must ensure that the entire outdoor play area is

  • (a) enclosed in a manner that is suitable for the age and development of children, and will ensure that children are free of harm, and
  • (b) constructed in a manner, and using materials, that are suitable for the age and development of the children intended to use it.

(4) A licensee must ensure that all indoor and outdoor play materials and equipment accessible to children are

  • (a) suitable for the age and development of the children, and
  • (b) safely constructed, free from hazards and in good repair.