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Threat to Stonegate Farmers' Market

ooops.... a mistake 28-May-2010 [280]

• In October 2006, a public health inspector visited the Stonegate farmers market and told the market manager, farmers and other market vendors that they were not meeting the requirements for farmers markets. Turns out, he made a mistake.

This resulted in a flurry of extra work, worry and concern to find out what the rules say about farmers markets. If the inspector had been correct, it would have most likely led to the closing of the market - and big losses for the farmers, neighbours, and producers who supply or shop at the market.

Under the law, farmers markets and church/community food events are exempt from the public health procedures required for restaurants and other commercial food establishments.

CELOS lay researchers reviewed the law and regulations, as well as the Guidelines (called ASPHIO Guidelines for Framers' Markets and Special Events"). Unlike law and regulations, guidelines are not made by our elected officials and not legally enforceable. Helmet Policy Analysis The application of the guidelines to the Stonegate market difficulties is summarized below.