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Permits Correspondence
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Rink Events Permits correspondence

07-May-2011 [148]

• How many outdoor rink events permits are there?

From: Jutta Mason
Date: 1/8/2010 12:45 PM

Hello Mr.Lawson,

I'm hoping you can help me with some information. I'm going to a meeting with Andy Koropeski and Malcolm Bromley on Tuesday, and one of the things we'll be talking about is special programs and activities at outdoor rinks.

It would be very helpful to have a list of the special events permits booked at outdoor rinks this rink season, i.e. Nov.21, 2009 to March 14, 2010. Would you be able to send me that information?

That way we can also post the ones that haven't taken place yet, on the individual cityrinks web pages. We're having a fair number of visitors to the cityrinks site (over 3000 on New Year's Day alone) and it would be nice to put the special events -- I mean, events to which the public is invited -- out there.

Thank you, I hope this is not a lot of extra work for you to track down.

Jutta Mason

From: Mark Lawson
Date: January 10, 2010

Hi Ms Mason:

I have attached the only Outdoor Special Event Permit that has been issued and is present in CLASS. All the other multiple permits are for shinny/hockey related pursuits.

Hope that helps.

Mark Lawson
Manager,Customer Service Unit
Parks, Forestry & Recreation

Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2010 00:11:40 -0500
From: Jutta Mason
To: Mark Lawson

Thanks Mark, for the quick turnaround. A few requests for clarification:

I note that the Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment Event at Ramsden Rink in December is not on your list. Is that a different category? (If so, what?)

The Swansea New Year's Eve party gives a city contact number. Is that because it was actually a permit for city staff? Was there extra (external) insurance for that event?

Thanks for your help.

Date: 1/12/2010 9:45 AM
From: Jutta Mason

Hi Mark,

Sorry to bug you -- our city hall rink meeting is this afternoon and I just need the quick info below -- it would be very helpful to have it before noon -- any chance?

From: Mark Lawson
Date: January 15, 2010 Hi Jutta:

The Swansea permit number of 860620 is a CLASS permit number that i part of every permit whether it is a City one or not. They would have had insurance because without it the permit would not be issued.

Secondly....I am still trying to locate the MLSE permit....

Date: 1/15/2010
From: Jutta Mason

Hello Mark, have you had any luck finding out what I need to know, i.e.:

1. the Swansea Rec Centre Advisory Council's annual New Year's Eve Party: do advisory groups for city facilities have their own insurance for events they help with?

2. have you located the MLSE permit for the Ramsden event (note thumbnail photos below)?

3. I'm guessing that there are very few special events permits for outdoor rinks, since this policy may have some aspects that don't work well for community groups. Can you let me know how many such permits there have been for outdoor rinks in each of the past five years, and specify community events versus larger citywide events like the MLSE one? Thanks.

Maple Leafs signs up at Ramsden in December:

See also:
Parks and Rec and their NO's

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