• This is the blog of the site's webmaster
Description: With basic posting, filing, and access functioning, we're into the home stretch developmentally speaking.
Webmaster's Blog
Date: 15-Feb-2012 By: Henrik Bechmann [1029]
The technical work of setting up this website has been motivated by a convergence of three personal interests:
I've been working at the technology behind this website in some form since early this millenium; it's gratifying to see these efforts start to see the light of day. In a long career of software development (starting in 1981) I dare say this is the most satisfying project I've yet undertaken. But like any technical project like this, it is never done. I look forward to describing the ongoing technical changes to this site in this blog.
So from time to time I'll be blogging about added features, website feedback we've been getting, and yes, I may weigh in on some topical interests.
Thanks of course to CELOS and The Ontario Trillium Foundation for contributing so consistently to the support of this project.
In the meantime, my fondest wish is that some of you, dear readers, will find the material in this website helpful, and find a useful platform for organizing and presenting information related to our social well-being.
Finally, it must be said that the really important work on this website comes from all the folks that have assembled the content. This will always be the case. The material is challenging to acquire, produce, edit, and present. We invite all readers who are interested, to participate in this collective venture.
- Henrik Bechmann, January, 2012