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·2· WSIB Ontario - list of approved first aid trainers

15-Jul-2012 [1561]


WSIB Ontario - list of approved first aid trainers


There are lots of providers - training seems to be minimum 13 hours, avg 16 hours; some trainers offer AED training in addition, for more $ though not always more hours; standard cost between $95 - $150 depending on who is providing location, AED or not, etc.

  • What are the standards/requirements/other guidelines for a 'level C first aid and CPR training, in order to be recognized by the WSIB? (length of the training, subjects covered, evaluation methods, cost for participants...) (Anything that might point to why EMS would have a 100% attendance policy?)
  • What is the arrangement, then, between EMS and the City such that EMS was hosting trainings at City Hall... does EMS just rent conference rooms like any other group, or does it have a special arrangement with the City? if so, how much are they charged, and how does this compare to what other groups are charged?*

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