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Donation Policy - Toronto

29-May-2010 [295]


Donation Policy (pdf)



City building is a collective and ongoing endeavour. Seeking or obtaining voluntary donations for community benefits provides valuable contributions to city building. Partnership opportunities for donations for community benefits should respect relevant legislative and policy provisions and occur within an ethical framework that preserves the integrity of municipal decision making processes. The purpose of this policy is to:

i.establish guidelines that ensure donations occur at arm’s length from any City decision-making process;

ii.provide criteria and process for the acceptance of donations, and

iii.confer upon Division Heads the delegated authority to accept and spend donations, within the parameters contained herein.


The policy on voluntary donations to the City for community benefits includes donations made to the City and its agencies, boards and commissions, and donations requested or encouraged by Councillors or staff which are directed to other organizations or community agencies.


(1) Donations in Relation to City Decision Making Processes General:

1.1 Conditions, contributions and community benefits may only be requested from an applicant seeking an approval, permit or license from the City or its agencies, boards or commissions if such requests are permitted or required by that decision making process.

1.2 In the case of an applicant seeking an approval, permit or license from the City or its agencies, boards or commissions, beyond matters permitted or required as part of the decision making process, voluntary donations from the applicant or their representative may only be requested or accepted at arms length from the decision making process:

1.2.1 applicants seeking an approval, permit or licence shall not concurrently offer or make voluntary donations to the City or an agency, board or commission for community benefits;

1.2.2 voluntary donations for community benefits shall not be solicited or accepted, for any purpose or community beneficiary, from applicants with a concurrent application for an approval, permit or license.

1.3 Where a voluntary donation is solicited or offered, there is an obligation on the parties to confirm that there is no concurrent application or proposal for an approval, permit or license. Donors are required to make a written declaration that a donation to the City or an agency, board or commission for community benefits is not concurrent with an approval or procurement process in which they, or their organization or company if applicable, are involved.

Planning Approvals:

1.4 Voluntary donations for community benefits that fall outside the scope of a planning approval may not be solicited and offers may not be accepted from an applicant or their representative concurrent to a planning approval or from a party proposing to make a planning application.

1.5 There is a blackout period in planning approval processes during which discussions about voluntary donations for community benefits are not permitted and voluntary donations may not be offered, solicited or accepted. For Councillors and staff, the blackout period commences when they receive information, formally or informally, that an individual, organization or company has an interest or intent in submitting an application for planning approval. For specific types of planning applications, the end of the blackout period is as follows:

1.5.1 for official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments and combined applications is the date of expiry of the appeal period after Council makes its decision on the by-law(s) and there is no appeal; or, if appealed, is the date the Ontario Municipal Board makes its decision;

1.5.2 for plans of subdivision and condominium is the date of expiry of the appeal period after the City makes its decision on draft plan approval and there is no appeal; or, if appealed, is the date the Ontario Municipal Board makes its decision;

1.5.3 for site plan control is the date the site plan agreement is executed; or, if appealed, is the date the Ontario Municipal Board makes its decision; 1.5.4 for part lot control exemption by-laws is the date Council adopts or refuses to adopt the by-law;

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