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From Jutta Mason to Managment Services Senior analyst for PFR and Rec. Supervisor & CRP for Ward 18 05-Apr-2014 [9566]
Part of
date: Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:00 PM
From: Jutta Mason to:Stephen Graham <> cc:Glen Synowicki <>, Marcel Vieira <>, Dufferin Park <>
Hello Mr.Graham,
thanks for your quick reply.
Okay, so I now understand that the CRP does not input directly into SAP, there are other staff involved as well. So I will clarify my question further. I would like to see each income and expense item in the form that the CRP sends up the line. Please expand the information to all of 2013 as well as the first three months of 2014.
Income: The income numbers are all recorded by on-site staff, and then the CRP re-counts the different income categories (listed in my previous email, and perhaps referred to as "services" under FPARS?).
Expenses: the CRP also accompanies program staff on all major shopping trips. He pays with a Pcard and somewhere he records the amounts for the open Pcard list. It's his records that I want to see. The records that he sends up the line will also include smaller amounts for the gift cards and petty cash, and perhaps purchase orders. I want to see them too please.
Until recently (and for the last 20 years) there was no prohibition to me seeing what is earned and what is spent at Dufferin Grove Park, in the programs that I helped to start. I got the information directly from on-site staff. Now management has stopped that direct communication. I am told that even onsite staff are not currently allowed to see the re-count amounts that the CRP submits. This makes something simple very complicated.
I am gathering this information because I'll be doing a financial update for the neighbourhood in late summer, as a final report for the friends of the park. The simplest solution would be if the CRP could share his information with his onsite staff, and with me, directly, and we could all check with one another for accuracy.
Please let me know if I can get the information described here, either directly from the CRP, or through you.
Thank you,
Jutta Mason