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Trillium 2010 - 2012 Website Software Production Report

05-Feb-2013 [8467]

Here is a production report on the project.

Time (estimated)

Aug 2010, to October 2012 = 117 weeks, say 3 weeks off = 114 weeks.
Weekly, 37.5 hours = 4275 hours.
Days @7.5 = 570.
Production = 141.3 lines of code per day.

Contributions (@$40):

          hours             $       GST ($)
Trillium  375   (8.8%)     15,000   1,650 (10 invoices)
CELOS     712.5 (16.7%)    28,500   3,135 (19 invoices)
Author   3187.5 (74.5%)   127,500 (notional)
Project: 4275            $171,000

Lines of custom code: v 1.56  T=4.0 s (131.5 files/s, 22373.5 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                            240           1395           5293          49349
HTML                           264            126            306          23038
Javascript                      10            244            536           3161
CSS                             11             44            269           2673
SQL                              1            264            488           2308
SUM:                           526           2073           6892          80529
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