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Container: Indoor arenas
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Correspondence: Review of the Energy Retrofit Program at Community Centres and Arenas

02-Nov-2012 [7407]

Hello Rosemary,

I gave a deputation to the audit committee last July regarding

I was expecting a report back to the committee from the Director, Energy and Stragegic Initiatives regarding the 6 recommendations of the auditor, and the 7th which was added as the result of my deputation.

Can you let me know of the status of this followup on the part of the Director, in particular when he will report to the audit committee on these items?


- Henrik Bechmann,
CELOS Associate

Rosemary Mackenzie
Oct 24 (9 days ago)

to Henrik
Hello Mr. Bechmann

The Director was requested to report to the Oct 25 meeting specifically with regard to the Committee's direction as listed under the heading Decision Advice and Other Information (visible only if you click and expand the pink Audit Committee link at the bottom of the page link you sent me). The Director has reported on those issues and his report is on the agenda for Oct 25 as Item AU9.16:

The balance of the recommendations (ie Parts 1-7) will likely be reported on in 2013.

Kind regards,

Rosemary MacKenzie
Committee Administrator

Attachments to document extract: Correspondence: Review of the Energy Retrofit Program at Community Centres and Arenas