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Donations for PFR capital projects

15-Jun-2010 [392]

• Charitable Donations for Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital projects. Citywide, 2005.

May 5, 2005
To: Economic Development and Parks Committee
From: Brenda Librecz, General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Subject: Charitable Donations for Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital projects.

Charitable Donations For PFR Capital Projects 2005 (pdf)


To outline a policy related to the receipt of charitable donations for Parks, Forestry and Recreation capital projects.

Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report. The Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and concurs with the financial impact statement.


It is recommended that: (1) the policy for receiving charitable donations (Attachment No. 1) related to Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division capital projects be adopted;

(2) the appropriate City Officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


At its meeting of March 10th, 2005, the Economic Development and Parks Committee (EDPC) requested that the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism report on a policy for charitable donations and how they can apply to community, recreation or parks capital projects. Other previous reports adopted by Council generally addressed this issue (Income Tax Receipts for Cash Donations and Gifts-In-Kind adopted by Council on Dec.14 – 16. 1999; Policy & Finance, Nov. 23, 1999), but did not specifically refer to Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Projects.