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Auditor Report

14-Jun-2010 [381]

• Auditor General's Report on purchasing cards

In 2009, as part of its annual workplan, the Auditor General for the City of Toronto reviewed the use of purchasing cards, or "Pcards" - essentially employee issued Mastercard cards used for small purchases. The Accounting Services Division oversees the use of PCards. As a background of the inquiry, the AG states that it reviewed the relevant policies, procedures and legislative requirements with respect to the use of PCards.

The purchasing cards are widely used within the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department. In the first nine months of 2009, PFR used the cards for approximately $ 3 million dollars in spending. [To see this report, see Cash handling inquiry

These "PCards" - essentially National Bank Mastercard cards - were first issued to city staff in 2005 for the purpose of reducing the paperwork required for small purchases, while providing a record of spending through consolidated reports (card statements). The statements are matched with employee receipts, and checked by a supervisor, then 2 more levels. The 2009 Auditor's review of the use of PCards between 2005-09 recommended that the use of the cards be expanded after 20 recommendations had been implemented to increase internal controls.

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