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Toplessness in Public Pools and Parks

04-Jun-2010 [363]

• 1999

Division: Parks and Recreation
Approved by: Parks and Recreation Directors
Date Approved: May 14, 1999
Approval date is approximate
Source: Parks & Recreation
Category: Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Sub-cat: Recreation

Policy Statement

Staff must maintain a professional and courteous manner with all patrons. Women are within their rights to go topless.


Only approach a topless individual, if asked by another patron.

If necessary, inform the woman that another patron feels offended and ask if she is willing to cover up. If the woman does not want to cover up then say thank you and walk away.

Inform the patron who complained that we did ask the woman to cover up and that we can take no further action.

If the patron would like to call the police then they can do so. Staff will not encourage this action.

Fill out an incident report and forward to the appropriate Supervisor.


Participant Minor Injury/Incident Report (pdf)

In the media:

Toronto Sun: Topless may not be pretty but it's right, August 30, 2011

The Star: Group denied permit to march topless, August 25, 2011