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One office for Ward 18 parks and community centres 13-Aug-2012 [1616]
• The basic idea is to give control of Ward 18, with the current consolidated Ward 18 budget, to a supervisor (or team of supervisors) and give the supervisor latitude to run the ward a little differently
Part of
A Ward 18 Parks Conservancy
a pilot project “local conservancy” model in Ward 18 to test an alternative to the centralized “functional” model.
City of Toronto Act, section(s):
1. Joint supervision of the Ward 18 conservancy by one (1) recreation supervisor and one half (1/2) a parks supervisor, working together.
2. A Ward 18 conservancy working group (CWG) with open membership made up of stakeholders: (a) users of Ward 18 parks or the two community centres (b) existing or new park friends groups (c) existing or new community centre advisory councils (d) social agencies that use the Ward 18 parks or community centres (e) CELOS and (f) on-site Ward 18 rec and parks staff – this working group or its subcommittees to meet at least monthly with the supervisors, meeting transactions to be posted publicly
3. Town Hall budget and program meetings at least twice a year, located at the community centres
4. Transparent budgeting, with up-to-date numbers posted publicly three days before the monthly working group meetings (also called “participatory budgeting”)
5. A minimum of 30 per cent tax-supported (open-access, NOT fee-based) programming in community centres, with those programs decided between local staff including the supervisors, and users
6. A minimum of 70 per cent tax-supported (open-access, NOT fee-based) programming in parks, with the programs decided between local staff including the supervisors, and users
7. A return to the 60-year practice of shared recreation programs between community centers and parks, no silos
8. Parks to share dedicated Ward 18 park maintenance staff with a published schedule showing location and tasks
9. Quarterly budget and programming reports to Council
(to be worked out next)
Attachments to document: Proposal: Ward 18 Conservancy