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Justice System
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Setup: 22-Sep-2011 [656]

• Much of how we relate to each other is revealed in our courts (and justice) system. See Nils Christie's paper "Conflicts as Property" for some insight.

An article by Norwegian criminologist Nils Christie started us on our inquiries into public space. The article is called Conflicts as property. Its thesis is that dealing with conflict is actually a very constructive way of building community.

One of this website's researchers spent abut a year (a few years ago), following court cases related to incidents in public space. The stories are detailed and interesting, in so far as they often reveal a formalistic way of dealing with conflict, and alternative means that might be available. See for example +?.


Setup: 22-Sep-2011 [656]

• Much of how we relate to each other is revealed in our courts (and justice) system. See Nils Christie's paper "Conflicts as Property" for some insight.

-- Details --
Sorted by: ·custom order· (if any), title (asc). Page 1 of 1 (items 1-16 of 16)

·3· Court guide - legal terms

Part of: Courts

Date: 21-Jan-2011 [43]

·4· CELOS Court Project

Part of: Courts

Date: 21-Jan-2011 [44]

·5· Court cases

Part of: Courts

Date: 19-Oct-2011 [746]

·6· Court records

Description: Municipal governance in the City of Ottawa

Part of: Courts Governance and Effectiveness

Date: 07-Oct-2011 [684]

·7· Courts and Media

Description: A special closed-door courtroom is set up for G20 cases in Toronto, June 2010

Part of: Courts Governance Project: Related Media

Date: 26-Jun-2010 [183]

·8· Call With Jim Kidd regarding injuries  23 August, 2007

Part of: Courts Playgrounds Safety

Date: 11-Oct-2011 [707]

·8· Playground injury claims summary  (Access to Information Request A GEN-2008-00262) Oct.6 2008

Part of: Courts Playgrounds Safety

Date: 11-Oct-2011 [710]

·9· Police News 2006-Tri Van Huynh court case  From Dufferin Grove park newsletters

Part of: Courts Police

Date: 14-Aug-2011 [507]

·10· OLA court cases relevant for parks

Part of: Courts

Date: 25-Oct-2009 [11]

·11· Public criticism met by lawsuits in court  The Walrus: Code of Silence, Nov. 2011

Description: An academic book, a multimillion-dollar lawsuit, and a question: is Canadian law failing **free speech?** by Candice Vallantin FrontierFrom the November 2011 magazine

Part of: Courts

Date: 25-Oct-2011 [771]

Conflicts as property

Part of: Courts

Date: 11-Feb-2013 Source: Nils Christie direct link (Conflicts-as-Property-by-Nils-Christie.full.pdf) [8509]

Court ordered community hours  Dufferin

Part of: Courts Dufferin Park Clean Up and Maintenance

Date: 10-Mar-2004 direct link (COMMUN~01.JPG) [8741]

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