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·6· Community Notebooks: Campfires

Setup: 25-Jul-2012 [1734]

Part of Campfires

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Sorted by: ·custom order· (if any), title (asc). Page 1 of 1 (items 1-7 of 7)

A campfire permit for Greenwood Rink

Description: How rink users got a campfire permit for Greenwood Rink, February 2010 (hint: it took 38 emails)

Part of: Community Notebooks: Campfires Permits

Date: 07-May-2011 direct link (CampfireCorrespondenceGreenwoodRinkFebruary2010.pdf) [146]

Campfire Example

Description: The Dufferin Grove Park approach

Part of: Community Notebooks: Campfires

Date: 07-May-2011 [137]

Campfire Permits Correspondence

Description: After thirteen years of campfires at the park with no injury, campfires were stopped in 2007. The Parks supervisor said he was concerned about the safety of all those campfires - no adequate protocol. But, the result was a lot of letters

Part of: Community Notebooks: Campfires

Date: 31-May-2010 [107]

City rules ruining another park's community success story

Part of: Community Notebooks: Campfires General City Governance

Date: 03-Nov-2011 direct link (CityRulesRuiningAnotherPark'sSuccessStory.pdf) [782]

The Campfires of Bureacracy

Part of: Community Notebooks: Campfires

Date: 25-Jul-2012 direct link (THE-CAMPFIRES-OF-BUREAUCRACY-Emails.pdf) [1733]

page 1 of 1 (items 1-7 of 7) per page: