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Opening Day!

29-Nov-2008 [6564]

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(see commentary below)


From Dufferin rink diaries 2008-2009 Saturday Nov.29 2008, opening day Weather: High 5 celsius, low -2. Cloudy with occasional faint sun.

The rink opened, and despite the crush of people skating, and staff having to put pylons up (and one trip-and-fall on a cement patch) the rink stayed open.

Ice maintenance staffing is still not settled. At one point in the afternoon, there were suddenly three rink operators instead of one. When a broken hockey net was pointed out to the senior worker, he said that he was not actually in the program, he was only there as a favour (he didn't mention, to whom) and therefore he had no reason to make sure the net was repaired. No foreperson or supervisor came by. The zamboni dumped the snow in various places that will be hard to clean up. In the evening, one zamboni operator refused to clean the ten feet of ice at the east end of the pleasure rink because he was afraid he would hit the railing at the edge.

Start-up problems! But hopefully they will soon be ironed out.