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Safety in Ice Hockey, Volume 3

edited by Alan B. Ashare, Earl F. Hoerne 01-Jul-2000 [9548]


CSA hockey helmet Standard Z262.1 - is used in some studies, one on page 78, page 79 gives a picture of what the specs of the 4 hockey helmet standards are supposed to cover

The study after this one, page 93, compares not only hockey helmets but other sports (standard #'s are given). The abstract also references the use of other measures other then helmets to prevent injuries. On page 99 of this study it says that other helmet models should be considered e.g. horse riding and bicycle. This study basically says that the reason helmets haven't changed even though the technology has improved is because of corporate lobbying, believing helmet purchases will go down with changes in style of helmet used; fashion. Even though changing the specs would mean a safer helmet for players.

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