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Consumer Products Safety Commission (USA)

from Wikipedia regarding the Certification sticker inside the helmet from the American government’s 19-Jan-2014 [9455]

• At Toronto Outdoor City Run Ice Rinks - Staff enforce the policy that ALL children under six must wear a hockey helmet certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) – no other certification will do.


from Wikipedia extract:

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is an independent agency of the United States government. It was created in 1972 through the Consumer Product Safety Act. The CPSC is an agency that reports to Congress and the President and is not part of any other department or agency in the federal government.[2] The CPSC is generally headed by three commissioners nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate for staggered seven-year terms.

City Rinks Editors note: CPSC certification means the helmet has been tested to withstand falls from seven feet high and a collision with a solid barrier (like a tree) while moving at 14 miles per hour.

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