30-May-2013 [9364]
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Media: Playgrounds
Good vibrations Take one activist. Take a voiceprint. Then design a beautiful forest based on i ts cadences. That is the dizzyingly cool idea behind a new park from architecture company gh3 that will honour the late activist June Callwood, b rightening lands south of Fort York, reports Patricia Chisholm PATRICIA CHISHOLM SPECIAL TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL MARCH 21, 2009 Park design can often be a conventional affair - a row of trees here, a pathway there. But when the team at Toronto firm gh3 set out to design a new park dedicated to the memory of June Callwood, they were looking for fresh ways to create a natural setting in a densely urban environment.
At the same time, they wanted to celebrate her legacy of activism and impassioned journalism without resorting to a sculpture or bust, an option Ms.Callwood had opposed.
The result is unique. Architect Pat Hanson and her partner in gh3, landscape architect Diana Gerrard, used a digitally generated image of a recording of Ms. Callwood's voice as a template for the formal organization of the new park.
The phrase they chose to map is taken from her last interview, with the CBC's Geor ge Stroumboulopoulos in 2007, in which she responded to a question about her religious beliefs with: "I believe in kindness."
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