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14-Jan-2013 [8347]
Excerpts for Parks, Forestry & Recreation:
Parks, Forestry and Recreation:
196. City Council increase the Parks Forestry and Recreation 2013 Budget Committee Recommended Operating Budget by $0.212 million to eliminate adult recreational fees at Priority Centres.
197. City Council approve, as amended by Recommendation 196, the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation of $391.757 million gross and $271.842 million net, comprised of the following services:
Gross ($000s) | Net ($000s) | |
Service: | ||
Parks | 130,138.9 | 106,675.9 |
Community Recreation | 188,282.0 | 124,922.0 |
Urban Forestry | 55,216.3 | 30,297.9 |
Policy and Strategic Planning | 6,465.9 | 5,084.2 |
Management Services | 11,653.6 | 4,861.5 |
Total Program Budget | 391,756.7 | 271,841.5 |
Subject to the deletion of the following Recommendation from the Budget Committee that was ruled out of order:
"City Council direct that the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation begin implementation of the Priority Centre expansion effective July 1, 2013, funded by reallocating $1.0 million from the Welcome Policy program to Priority Centres."
198. City Council approve Parks, Forestry and Recreation's services and 2013 proposed service levels, as outlined on page 6-9 of the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget (Operating Budget Analyst Notes) for Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the associated staff complement of 4,224.5 positions.
199. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to review all future impacts of capital projects on operating budgets and consider strategies, including alternative models for service delivery, to mitigate future operating budget impacts.
200. City Council establish a reserve called "Ferry Replacement Reserve" to provide funding for the replacement of the aging ferry fleet servicing the Toronto Islands with the following criteria:
201. City Council direct that Parks, Forestry and Recreation undertake a full cost recovery analysis of ferry services to include both direct and indirect costs of Ferry Operations and capital replacement costs into future ferry user fees, such that the portion of the user fee attributed to capital replacement be contributed to the Ferry Reserve as part of the annual contribution.
202. City Council direct that the one-time funding of $0.075 million be granted to Toronto Botanical Gardens through Parks, Forestry and Recreation's 2013 Operating Budget and that the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation report back to Budget Committee on or before July 1, 2013 on an agreed upon sustainable operating plan for the Toronto Botanical Gardens.
203. City Council direct that the one-time funding of $0.030 million for the Lawn Bowling Clubs be set aside in Parks, Forestry and Recreation's 2013 Operating Budget for emergency funding and transitional assistance and that the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation consult with the Lawn Bowling clubs and report back to Budget Committee on or before July 1, 2013 as to the viability of said clubs.
Parks, Forestry & Recreation:
38. City Council approve the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation with a total project cost of $75.082 million, and 2013 cash flow of $154.397 million and future year commitments of $32.035 million comprised of the following:
a. New Cash Flow Funding for:
i. 90 new / change in scope sub-projects with a 2013 total project cost of $75.082 million that requires cash flow of $62.637 million in 2013 and a future year cash flow commitment of $7.920 million in 2014; $2.550 million in 2015; $1.4 million in 2016; and $0.575 million in 2017;
ii. 22 previously approved sub-projects with a 2013 cash flow of $36.409 million; and a future year cash flow commitment of $19.290 million in 2014; and $0.300 million in 2015;
iii. 35 sub-projects from previously approved projects with carry forward funding from 2011 and prior years requiring 2013 cash flow of $11.264 million which forms part of the affordability target that requires City Council to reaffirm its commitment; and
b. 2012 approved cash flow for 57 previously approved sub-projects with carry forward funding from 2012 into 2013 totaling $44.087 million.
39. City Council approve new debt service costs of $0.831 million in 2013 and incremental debt costs of $4.928 million in 2014, $0.321 million in 2015, $0.167 million in 2016, $0.106 million in 2017, and $0.018 million in 2018 resulting from the approval of the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget, to be included in the 2013 and future year operating budgets.
40. City Council approve the 2014-2022 Recommended Capital Plan for Parks, Forestry and Recreation totaling $653.141 million in project estimates, comprised of $64.811 million in 2014; $72.642 million in 2015; $78.651 million in 2016; $73.166 million in 2017; $64.834 million in 2018; $75.493 million in 2019; $77.880 million in 2020; $72.681 million in 2021; and $72.933 million in 2022.
41. City Council consider operating costs of $1.419 million net in 2013, $0.098 million net in 2014; $0.544 million net in 2015; $0.108 million net in 2016; $0.555 million net in 2017; and $0.450 million net in 2018 emanating from the approval of the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget for inclusion in the 2013 and future year operating budgets.
42. City Council direct that all sub-projects with third party financing be approved conditionally, subject to the receipt of such funding in 2013 and if such funding is not forthcoming, their priority and funding be reassessed by City Council relative to other City-financed priorities and needs. 43. City Council approve 4 temporary capital positions for the delivery of new 2013 capital projects and that the duration for each temporary position not exceed the life and funding of its respective project / sub-project.
44. City Council approve the Capital Emergency Fund sub-project with funding of $0.500 million for 2013 with the following conditions:
a. Projects funded must be emergencies presenting a safety or security hazard, or impacting current operations, with a potential for significant damage resulting from the continuation of the problem identified;
b. All projects charged to the 2013 Capital Emergency Fund sub-project must be reported to Finance staff to ensure structures are provided to ensure accountability;
c. Use of the funding must be reported in all variance reports; and
d. Any unspent balance at year-end cannot be carried forward;
45. City Council direct that any capital IT projects/sub-projects approved as part of the 2011-2020 Approved Capital Plan with unspent funds be closed.
46. City Council direct that, consistent with the 2012 Approved Operating Budget recommendation, Parks, Forestry and Recreation continue to review future impacts of capital projects on operating budgets and continue to consider alternative models for service delivery to mitigate future operating impacts.
47. City Council direct that Parks, Forestry and Recreation annually update cost estimates for major capital projects to account for inflation and actual costs in order to minimize significant impact on the debt financing of future Capital Budgets.
196. City Council increase the Parks Forestry and Recreation 2013 Budget Committee Recommended Operating Budget by $0.212 million to eliminate adult recreational fees at Priority Centres.
2a - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Josh Matlow (Amended) Parks, Forestry and Recreation – Operating Budget
1. City Council amend the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Operating Budget by adding $300,000 from an adjustment to interest/investment earnings (Non-program revenue) to the 2013 Operating Budget to eliminate children and youth drop-in fees at all Indoor Pools. - this lost
2 City Council direct the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation to review all user fees as part of the Parks, Forestry and Recreation User Fee Review process and report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on the extent to which these fees are a barrier to participation. - this was passed
2a - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Josh Matlow (Amended) Parks, Forestry and Recreation – Operating Budget
1. City Council amend the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Operating Budget by adding $300,000 from an adjustment to interest/investment earnings (Non-program revenue) to the 2013 Operating Budget to eliminate children and youth drop-in fees at all Indoor Pools.
2 City Council direct the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation to review all user fees as part of the Parks, Forestry and Recreation User Fee Review process and report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on the extent to which these fees are a barrier to participation.
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