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Dufferin Mall Youth Services: Closing

25-Mar-2011 [121]

• CBC news - Wednesday March 23, 2011


Wednesday March 23, 2011

Dufferin Mall Youth Services: Closing

After 17 years, Dufferin Mall Youth Services is closing its door. According to people who ran the program, they're just closing down for a little while and will reopen this September as a resource centre. This means youth who are currently using the centre will no longer have access to it as a drop in. To help us understand what the closure will mean to the neighbourhood we spoke with Shani Kipang, the Program Coordinator who received her lay-off notice last week. We also spoke with Shaneka Keslow, a youth who has been using the drop-in.

Listen (runs 6:15)

For more information, visit the Facebook group created by the young people who use the centre. It is called DMYS: Join and keep it open.

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