08-May-2012 [1167]
• This excerpt, which discusses the "rule of law" is from "Law Is Cool" - a student-run, "work in progress" educational blog and podcast for law students. The site does not give legal advice; rather, its purpose is to provide "an open forum for ide
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Notebooks: Laws and Regulations
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Omar Ha-Redeye, in his October 12, 2007 post on Law in Canada states that
“1. Every act by a public official, regardless of the official’s rank must have the authority of a particular law. “
In the same blog, Law Professor Michael Lynk, at the University of Western Ontario, states that 3 of 18 qualities he feels that define the rule of law in Canada: are:
13. Laws are to be enacted through a democratic and transparent process.
14. Laws should be known to all. Publicized and available to all. No secret laws.
15. All actions of the State must be authorized by law.
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