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Ward 18 finances Profit & Loss Detail September 2012

15-Oct-2012 [6936]


From September 1 to 30, 2012, this is the financial summary of donation income and spending. All cash transactions are recorded in Quickbooks.

Dufferin Grove/MacGregor/Campbell Parks: community programs

Total park user donations: $14,204.52

Cheque made out to the City of Toronto: $30 (pizza day)

Total costs of contracts, groceries, other program supplies: $9,120.17

Consisting of: Contracts for park work not covered by City: $2612 Grocery costs: $5434.02 Office: $131.67 Supplies: $942.48

Balance: $5084.35

Cash delivered to McCormick CRC: $5616.00 (includes the September donations balance and the $531.65 retained for September grocery cheques in August)

Campfire program donations are now integrated in with the other donations income

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