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Unsolicited Proposals Policy

19-Jun-2010 [402]

• Purchasing & Materials Management Policy, 2007: Unsolicited Quotations or Proposals


Purchasing & Materials Management Policy
Unsolicited Quotations or Proposals


To outline a procedure for Division Heads to respond to unsolicited quotations or proposals in a manner that ensures transparency, fairness, best value for the City and to provide guidance to vendors on the submission of unsolicited quotations or proposals to the City.

Note: Adopted by Council at its meeting held on June 19, 20 and 22, 2007


1. Unsolicited quotations or proposals should not be allowed to circumvent the City's procurement process. An unsolicited quotation or proposal should not be considered if:

a) It resembles a current or upcoming competitive procurement that has or will be requested

b) It requires substantial assistance from the City to complete the quotation or proposal

c) The goods or services are readily available from other sources

d) It is not deemed by the Division Head to be of sufficient value to the City of Toronto

2. If the unsolicited quotation or proposal does not meet any of the criteria in section 1 and the Division Head is willing to consider it, the following minimum information must be submitted to the Division Head as part of the unsolicited quotation or proposal, as applicable:

a) Vendor profile

b) Proposal or Quotation overview

c) Objectives and outcomes

d) Project scope or specifications and time frames

e) Deliverables and work plan

f) Project controls and constraints

g) Reporting and project management

h) Vendor and City respective responsibilities

i) Pricing and benefit/risk sharing

j) Proposed contractual terms

k) Acknowledgement that the vendor will abide by the City's Policies and By-laws


Partnerships procedure

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