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Harmonized Permit Allocation 2004

15-Jun-2010 [393]

• Report to introduce the new, harmonized Parks and Recreation Division permit allocation policy framework. 2004.

Part of Permits


January 19, 2004
To: Economic Development and Parks Committee
From: Joe Halstead, Commissioner Economic Development, Culture and Tourism
Subject: Harmonized Permit Allocation Policy for Indoor and Outdoor Parks and Recreation Facilities
All Wards

Harmonized Permit Allocation Policy For Indoor And Outdoor 2004 (pdf)


The purpose of the report is to introduce the new, harmonized Parks and Recreation Division permit allocation policy framework for the equitable allocation of all Parks and Recreation indoor and outdoor facilities when demand for facility permits is greater than facility availability.

Financial Implications and Impact Statement :

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.


It is recommended that:
(1) Economic Development and Parks Committee endorse the new, harmonized Permit Allocation Policy and forward this report on to Council for approval; and

(2) the appropriate City Officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


Since amalgamation, the allocation of permits for use of indoor and outdoor Parks and Recreation facilities to community and private groups has followed the policy of the former Parks and Recreation organizations from the seven former jurisdictions. In 2001, Council adopted a new, harmonized ice allocation permit policy that addressed the issue of equitable access to ice permits for all community groups. This policy has been implemented with considerable success, providing greater access for new and emerging groups such as women’s hockey. A similar policy for all Parks and Recreation indoor and outdoor facilities so that when demand for permits is greater than the supply of facilities, permits are allocated in a fair and equitable manner for all permit groups is appropriate and timely.


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