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A campfire permit for Greenwood Rink

07-May-2011 [146]

• How rink users got a campfire permit for Greenwood Rink, February 2010 (hint: it took 38 emails)


It took some Greenwood Rink users 38 e-mails back and forth, and probably at least that many phone calls (including some for comfort and moral support) to get from a simple request to have a rink-side campfire, to actually toasting the marshmallows. One thing that's evident from this thread (most names removed), is that at the beginning nobody had a very firm grasp on the policies that were being invoked to say "no." But as this thread shows, with a good deal of perseverance these rink users were able to get to "yes" and gather their neighbours around a campfire.

From: rink user

To: City Councillor Paula Fletcher

Date: January 13, 2010

To whom it may concern,

I am writing on behalf of a group of avid skaters. We have for years enjoyed and appreciated the city's offering of beautifully maintained rinks - and most notably the refrigerated rinks. On a rare and special occasion we have happened upon a local gathering at a rink that offered a coordinated campfire. They are wonderful, memorable and something we would like to bring to our neighbourhood rink.

Specifically, we are writing to inquire about creating occasional campfires on Friday nights at the Greenwood Park rinks for the community rink users. There is a large group of us who use the rinks regularly and we especially like to convene on Friday evenings.

We want to propose Friday January 29, 2010 as our inaugural campfire/ skate night. We have a solid group of willing volunteers to help.

Can you point us in the right direction? What would be required to make this happen? What are the steps we need to take?

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you,


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