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·9· re: follow up to donations puzzle

from Stephan Graham, Senior Budget Analyst, Management Services PFR 16-Oct-2012 [7375]

Part of 2012

On 16/10/2012 8:52 AM, Stephen Graham wrote:

Hi Jutta,
Our financial reporting for the calendar year extends from January 1st to December 31st.

Your cheques for 2011 would not have been included in our 2012 financial reports.

In 2011, cost centre P10389 is showing $15,580.31 recorded as a donation.


Stephen Graham, B.Comm., CMA Senior Budget Analyst, Management Services Parks, Forestry & Recreation

City of Toronto 100 Queen St. W, West Tower 4th floor Toronto, ON M5H 2N2 Tel: (416) 397-5348 Fax: (416) 397-4899

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