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·8· reminder to follow up on donations puzzle

Jutta Mason to Management services, PFR and Councillor Bailao 15-Oct-2012 [6944]

Part of 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: follow up on donations puzzle
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 22:41:15 -0400
From: <>
CC: Glen Synowicki <>, Sofia Oliveira <>, Ana Bailao <>, Nick Gallant <>, Staff <>, Shelly Andrade <>


I'm sorry to trouble you again, but I'm wondering if you've been able to figure out the "donations puzzle" query I sent you on October 5. In the interim, McCormick staff (where the donations have been handed in) have compared their numbers with ours. There were a few variations including one amount that was handed in by CELOS in 2011 but not entered into SAP until this year. Now our 2012 donations receipt list matches up with theirs. (Revised list attached - Log of receipts by CELOS and Dufferin staff 2011-12 till Sept)

Could you let me see the SAP "end of period eight" and the SAP "end of period nine" spreadsheets so that we can be certain that the donations show up accurately on the city documents? This can also take the place of the weekly spending figures which you are unable to send.

Thank you