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Permits: park field houses

29-May-2010 [93]

• STAFF REPORT re Fountainhead Park Clubhouse

Part of Permits

Fountainhead Park Clubhouse-Staff Report

This recent report about Fountainhead Park clubhouse is also posted on the Dufferin Grove bulletin board, because it clearly describes what's happening here. Brenda Patterson was brought in by Janet Davis to make sure that policy is followed everywhere (esp at Dufferin and Christie and other bad spots):

"It is also noted that since the time of the Clubhouse’s closing, the Division has implemented a harmonized permitting process with substantial internal controls to prevent uses of its facilities that do not adhere to approved policies."

The report has a link to the back story -- after the ice rink was shut down, Fountainhead clubhouse had informal tenants -- an after-school program, a computer refurbishment program, and Vietnamese community services. They were all booted out, only the permitted tennis club and storage space were allowed to remain: . Quote: "On a go forward basis, the Parks Forestry and Recreation Division now has substantial internal controls to prevent use of its facilities that does not adhere to approved policies. The permitting function has been reorganized such that all permitting is controlled centrally, under one policy and procedure, eliminating most “legacy arrangements.”

Other nearby places: Gwendolen Park Tennis Club

I called the current councillor's office (Anthony Perruzza) and spoke to his assistant Matias. He told me that the former arrangements were made under Councillor Peter Li Preti, for whom there is an unhappy story in Wikipedia The assistant said that there was nothing good coming out of that building and that Perruzza asked PFR to go after the users and get them out of there. Apparently there's a development being built across the street and they're going to use the Section 37 money to rebuild the outdoor rink. The assistant said the rink was "overlooked" or "forgotten" or something like that, and shut down in the nineties.