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Community Advisory Stakeholders F-G

20-Sep-2011 [628]

• The City's list of "stakeholders" who were contacted to give their opinions about the Recreation Service Plan in May and June, 2011 (and the Parks Plan in September 2011).


Fairfield Advisory Council

Fairfield Advisory Council

  • Nothing to be found on Fairfield Advisory Council, only on Fairfield Seniors' Centre

80 Lothian Ave.,
(416) 394-8687
Ward 5

Fairfield Seniors' Centre offers a wide range of social, educational and support services to older adults in the community. Special events, older adult's clubs and weekly programs take place at is centre thoughout the year.

Fitness/Weight Room
Gymnasium classification: Gym - C
Kitchen classification: Kitchen - C
Multipurpose Rooms 8

Fairmount Park C.C.

Fairmount Park C.C.

88 Bowmore Rd M4L 2B3
416 392-7060
Ward: 32

Fairmount is a shared use facility that offers programs in 2 large community spaces. School age art and dance programs and adult fitness are the main programs.

Maureen Jurysta, Recreation Programmer (CRP) (416) 392-7478 Andrew Pyper Program Lead (416) 392-7917

This “Emergency Update on Fairmount Park / Bowmore pool” was posted on Bowmore School Council's blog on June 16th, 2011.

Please join us:
Thurs, June 23, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Fairmount Park CC meeting room

An opportunity to meet the Fairmount programming staff, to find out what their challenges are, and to learn how Bowmore parents can help by promoting the facility and ensuring that the programs that are offered are of maximum benefit and use for our community.

The two other Community Centre/TDSB leased pools in the area (SH Armstrong and Earl Beatty) both have "Advisory Councils." Fairmount used to, but it was abandoned years ago. To protect our pool and community centre, we may need to reestablish such a group - and quickly. Contact for the Bowmore School Council blog:

Federation of rate payers association

No Information found

Flemingdon Park Parents Association

Flemingdon Park Parents Association

9 Grenoble Drive, Toronto, ON, M3C 1C3
(416) 429 2093

Access to healthy food is an on-going challenge in Toronto’s Flemingdon Park area, with residents having to travel outside of their community to buy food. The Flemingdon Park Parents Association (FPPA) wants residents to become involved in finding the solution that’s best for them, so FPPA is going to bring local politicians and community members together to see what they can do to improve residents’ access to fresh healthy food.

Uniting the community to work together will give residents a stronger voice when calling for healthier food choices. With a previous Spark grant, the Flemingdon Park Parents Association advocated for increased access to their neighbourhood swimming pool, arena and soccer field for residents of the community. The FPPA sees these community resources as an integral part of school physical education programs, and local residents’ efforts to live healthy, active lifestyles, so they worked with school councils, student councils and employees of Toronto's Parks and Recreation Department to improve access to the facilities. They advocated not only for the access issues, but also for affordable and accessible programs. Many ordinary residents, children, youth, and adults started to become more involved, and felt that their voice was very important in order to make changes in their community. As a result, for the first time Parks, Forestry and Recreation opened on site registration for local residents - as demanded by all residents in the forums. For the community, and for the Flemingdon Park Parent Association, this was a huge success.

  • Growing Active Kids at Grenoble PS

Over the years, Grenoble PS as taken the lead in fostering successful partnerships with corporations, organizations and groups in their community. Through the Flemingdon Park Parents Association (FPPA), Grenoble students have had access to soccer, baseball, cricket, a tutoring program, and community clean-ups.

The impetus behind the FFPA was a recognition that the kids in the Grenoble community couldn’t afford to take part in recreational activities. “The school was approached by organizations to distribute flyers for recreational programs in the community, and we knew that there was no way most of our families could afford to participate,” says principal Jan Vink

Forest Hill BIA

Forest Hill BIA

Ward 22: Councillor, Josh Matlow
Ward 21: Councillor Joe Mihevc

Lorna Ekblad 416-488-4819

About the Forest Hill Village BIA

Two blocks North of St. Clair Avenue on Spadina there is a quaint and boutique beautiful urban oasis known as Forest Hill Village. Our picturesque village of over 60 unique merchants is the perfect destination for afternoon brunches, high end boutique shopping, getting into shape with yoga and personal trainers and day-spa getaways.

Surrounded by some of the most stunning homes and landscaping in Toronto, Forest Hill Village is a regular retreat for film, television and media celebrities as well as top athletes and business movers and shakers. Looking into the Future

With a rich past, the businesses and residences of Forest Hill are not only proud of their village, and the “small town” feeling that differentiates it, but are continuously working to ensure that future enhancements keep the integrity of what it stands for.

Within the next few years, the streets and infrastructure of Forest Hill will see the repair and installation of new water, sewer and data cables that have been long overdue.

Forest Hill BIA is working closely with the City to coordinate and minimize the inconvenience to both businesses and residences. Kearns Mancini has designed plans to widen the streets, allowing for freer pedestrian movement, the incorporation of more trees while considering the facilitation of more street parking.

In addition, besides the Montclair Parkette, that will anchor the Village from the south, the northern gateway will embrace the establishment of Suydam Park. The Toronto Parking Authority is also in collaboration with the Village to expand the Thelma Street parking lot, with 18 new spots and features that will be incorporated into their design plans. Frankel Lambert Community Garden 600 Melita Crescent, in the Frankel Lambert Park. Just South of Christie Gardens Apartments.

The Frankel Lambert Garden was started in 2009 and is located just north of the railway tracks, accessible by foot off Christie to the east or Melita Crescent to the west. The garden has 33 in-ground community plots and 4 raised beds growing an assortment of herbs, vegetables, flowers, native grasses and fruit trees.

Frankland C.C.

Frankland C.C.

816 Logan Ave M4K 3E1
416 392-0749
Ward: 30

Small facility located in Frankland School, use of pool, two rooms, and gym to run programs during day and afterschool.

Frankland Day Care Centre (1095)
816 Logan Ave ( Logan / Danforth Ave. )
Micheline Richard, 416-463-1413

This non-profit, licensed child care, serves children 4 years to 12 years. It is located in Frankland Community School.

Friends and Advocates - Etobicoke

2340 Dundas St. West #g27, Toronto, ON M6P4A9
416 234 9245

Lenette Powell-Flowers - Executive Director
Gina MacKenzie - Program Supervisor
Cheryl Okorofsky - Social & Recreational Program Coordinator Tim Ritchie –Bookkeeper

Mission Statement

Friends and Advocates Centre’s mission is to improve the quality of life of people facing difficulties and challenges to their mental health in providing recovery based programs and services in a welcoming, non-judgmental and mutually supportive environment. (drafted July 2007)

Friends and Advocates Centre is a non-profit, non-medical, consumer/survivor initiative that helps and supports consumer/survivors who have been diagnosed with mental illness to re-establish themselves in the community.

Friends and advocates is run by its members for its members. The program provides low cost recreational activities and an opportunity to develop relationships with others who have had similar situations.

Friends of Christie Pits

Friends of Christie Pits


Mission Statement:
We are a group of people who want to build a diverse and vibrant community centred in Christie Pits Park. We believe that by introducing people to each other, and by organizing communally, we build a circle of Friends not just for the park, but mostly for ourselves.

Most of us relate to our city through the neighbourhood in which we live. We want to learn about the rich history of the park and wish to nurture within each member of our community a feeling of place, belonging, and community. We believe that parks are a place where Torontonians of all backgrounds can expand their social world in the simple - yet profound - act of meeting someone new.

Christie Pits is a busy, urban, multi-use park. Parks play a vital role in the life of Toronto and we believe that they should remain non-commercial and public green-space. We aim to create a lively and safe community not by 'sanitizing' the social life of our park, but by building bonds of trust and encouraging communication.

Friends of Dentonia

Friends of Dentonia

Dentonia park and golf course...

(Golf Course?)

781 Victoria Park
416 392-2558
Supervisor: Dan Coote
Superintendent: Ron Walsh

Without a doubt, Dentonia Park Golf Course is one of the finest and most challenging par 3 facilities in Ontario. It is perfect for beginners just learning the game or advanced players sharpening their short shots. With many great programs now available, a visit to Dentonia Park Golf Course makes an inexpensive and fun outing for all.

(Sports Complex?)

Ward: 31
80 Thyra Ave M4C 5G5

Dentonia offers an afternoon preschool program as well as a general summer camp

(Dentonia Park Co-operative Nursery School?)

40 Dawes Road, Toronto ON M4C 5C2.

Founded in 1974, Dentonia Park Co-operative Nursery School first developed as a result of like-minded families in the community coming together. Our parent and teacher run school operates on a not-for-profit basis and became licensed as a charitable organization in 1983. Our amazing teachers have been the key to Dentonia's success. They have nurtured our children by positively guiding them through their first educational experience.

Friends of Dovercourt Park

Facebook group administrator an creator: Kate Watson

This group invites members from the Dovercourt Park neighbourhood in central Toronto. We are interested in community issues such as urban greening, development, traffic, and policing. Also gives neighbours a chance to connect, swap and sell.

A short history of Dovercourt Park

The Dovercourt Park neighbourhood began as the Village of Dovercourt in the 1870s. At that time, the area was made up of market farms on one-acre lots, and the residents of these farms grew fruits and vegetables to sell in town. As tenant farmers, they did not own the land, but rented it from a large estate owner, in this case the Gwynn family. In 1890, the land was annexed by the City of York, subdivided into smaller lots and then sold. Over the next three decades, houses were built on these plots of land. Dovercourt Park, the centerpiece of the neighbourhood, was laid out when the area was subdivided and fully developed at the turn of the century.

Friends of Dufferin Grove Park

Friends of Dufferin Grove Park


Dufferin Grove Park is a public neighbourhood park located in Toronto Canada, just south of Bloor, on the east side of Dufferin.

How the Park Works

Dufferin Grove Park is operated by the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division. It is not operated by the friends of the park, nor by volunteers.

The friends of Dufferin Grove Park are not an organization. There is no executive, no annual meetings, no formal status. There is no written agreement anywhere between the friends and the city.

So how does it work then? And who are the "friends of Dufferin Grove Park"? The friends in this case are all those people - more every year - who are friendly to that 14.2 -acre city-owned common space which is bordered by the Dufferin Mall, St.Mary's Catholic High School, and the mixture of affluent and subsidized housing that borders the park to the east and the south. Most park friends express their friendship only though their joy at what goes on in the park. At the other extreme, for the past 15 years, Jutta Mason has made friendship for the park her almost-full-time hobby. In between, there are many people who give things (time, plants, music, theatre, toys in the sandpit, conversation, sports skills, etc., etc.) as they feel moved to do that. There is no schedule to how these things are given, no five-year plan - it's (sorry) organic.

The City does have a formula for advisory councils, which includes a range of possibilities ranging from formal election of local representatives to an informal yearly meeting canvassing park users about what they want for their parks. In 2001, the Economic Development and Parks Committee put out terms of reference for any style of advisory councils. Advisors are to "provide comments, insights, and advice to assist staff in the performance of their responsibilities." They can "provide and, with City staff, manage funding designed to enhance existing City activities...Prepare and make public accurate financial records derived from fundraising activities."

The Role of the Park

Dufferin Grove Park is in the heart of the census area called Dufferin Grove, roughly bounded by Bloor Street on the north, College Street on the south, the tracks west of Lansdowne Avenue, and Dovercourt Road on the east (you can see the park centre right of the diagram to the right -- the other park is Macgregor Park on Lansdowne).
So you could say one role of the park is to serve its neighbourhood. Of course people come to the park from farther afield, so the service area is undoubtedly larger.

Friends of Farlinger Ravine

Friends of Farlinger Ravine

Welcome to the Taylor Massey Project - The TMP - designed to engage local residents in the enjoyment, protection, and restoration of Taylor Massey Creek and its watershed.

About the Creek

Taylor Massey Creek flows for about 16 kilometers, from the 401 near Pharmacy through the western edge of Scarborough and then the heart of East York, joining the Don River near Don Mills Road and the Don Valley Parkway.

Project Goals and Objectives
Developed by a group of volunteers throughout 2003 and early 2004, the Taylor Massey Project has three over-arching objectives:

To increase community awareness of the watercourse, particularly by seeking to establish or align with existing community organizations as "Reach Stewardship Groups", groups of local residents seeking to become involved in protecting and improving their local environment;

To restore both the natural heritage of Creek valley-lands and to improve the water quality and aquatic habitats of the Creek, especially through the City of Toronto’s Wet Weather Flow Master Plan; and

To ensure the creation of the Taylor Massey Trail along the whole of the Creek, with sections of trail in a greenbelt to be established in the Warden Hydro Corridor.

Friends of Felstead Park

A community based hub to inform the public of progress taking place to revitalize Felstead Avenue Playground. MORE?

Friends of Felstead: A community trying to save a park – article from
Reported on Thursday, September 2, 2010 by Justin Piercy

The Friends of Felstead Park are looking for private-sector help to fix their public park. Members of the group believe they've done all they can to persuade the city to take an immediate interest in their neglected community green space near Danforth and Greenwood Aves.

The Felstead Avenue Playground is home to unsafe equipment and a splash pad that hasn't been in operation for years, area residents say. The park is poorly lit and landscaped, providing cover for assaults and drug users.

Friends of Felstead member Jeremy Buffett says they have been vigilant in trying to get the city to act on their concerns. Meetings have been scheduled with their councillor, Paula Fletcher (Ward 30, Toronto-Danforth) and her staff.The group even invited police officers to inspect the park and recommend how to deter crime.

But according to information from the city's parks, forestry and recreation department, funding for the changes will not materialize until 2013. The focus of the Friends of Felstead has now shifted to finding a good corporate citizen to help kickstart the project.

Friends of Glendon Forest

Friends of Glendon Forest

107 Sherwood Ave.
Roslyn Moore

Friends of Glendon Forest is a small community group founded in 1994, dedicated to the protection of restoration of Glendon Forest, a natural area located in the Lower West Don River Valley.

The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority designated Glendon Forest as an Environmentally Significant Area (E.S.A. #65) in 1982 because of its important habitat, high quality diverse woodlot, regionally rare plants, and importance as a corridor for migrating birds. The land is owned by the TRCA and managed by City of Toronto Parks and Recreation as a natural area. Impacts to this area include increased and inappropriate human uses, and degradation from natural sources such as invasive species, erosion, and storm events.

Since 1994, regeneration and restoration efforts have included trail improvement, planting of trees and wildflowers, streambank stabilization, protective signage and ongoing planning for the future.

Friends of Greenwood Park

Friends of Greenwood Park

50 Greenwood Ave M4L 2P8
Ward: 30

Greenwood Park Outdoor pool in located in Greenwood Park. It features a 35m shallow pool being approximately 2m in the deep end. There is a large pool deck with a raised seating area on the north side.

We’ve set up a modest ‘family corner’ in the Greenwood Park rink house this season (winter 2010-2011) as part of promote a regular drop-in skate Monday mornings 10:30-12:30.

As of Feb. 15, 2011, when was last updated, there were many changes taking place at Greenwood Park, including a new playground design, and proposed changes to the rink. Visit the above link to view the discussion of these changes.

Friends of Highland Creek

Friends of Highland Creek

Cathy Humphrey 416-439-1036

The Highland Creek Watershed is an urbanized watershed located in Scarborough, between the Don and Rouge Rivers. There are several tributaries of the Highland Creek, one of them being the Markham Branch, by Markham Road and Highway 401. Over 40 years ago, during the development of this community, parts of the creek were redirected into man-made channels.

In 1994, the City of Scarborough's Works and Emergency Services Department undertook a study of this portion of the creek, which resulted in the decision to restore a 1.5 kilometre stretch from Highway 401, south under Progress Avenue and east to Markham Road. The aim of the project is to enhance the water quality in the creek, reduce downstream erosion and to create a recreational and wildlife corridor

The goal of the group is:
To restore, enhance, regenerate and raise community awareness of the natural ecosystem of the Markham branch of Highland Creek through education and the development of partnerships.

The Friends of Highland Creek has formed many partnerships. We have Scouts and Guides assisting in the plantings and several local schools growing and plant aquatic plants. We work closely with the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). We have received support from The Co-operators, Home Depot, Eddie Bauer, Tree Canada, Canada Trust, Ministry of Natural Resources and EcoAction 2000. We have planted native trees, shrubs and aquatic plants, continuous clean-ups throughout the year, hosted tours and participated in community environmental events. While much has been accomplished, there is still much to be done to further enhance the restoration of this portion of the Highland Creek as an important wildlife and recreational corridor.

Friends of Irene Park

Friends of Irene Park

650 Finch Ave W M9M 3A3
416 395-7953
Ward: 7

Gord & Irene Risk is located at the north east corner of Islington Rd. and Finch Ave, serving a diverse community with preschool, fitness, swimming and general interest programs for all ages. Purchase a Bocce membership and come play according to your lifestyle - open afternoons and evenings! To reach the needs of the greater community, afterschool and pre-school programs are also offered at a satellite location - Venerable John Merlini CSS. So come in and enjoy your summer days at camp, swimming with new friends and when winter arrives, lace up the skates for free public skating!

Friends of Massey Harris Park

Friends of Massey Harris Park is a volunteer organization which oversees issues with respect to Massey Harris Park.

Massey Harris Park is located in King West Village and is bordered by King St and Canniff Sts, and Crawford and Massey Sts in downtown Toronto.

Friends of Mimico Creek

Friends of Mimico Creek

There is very little information on Friends of Mimico Creek. Below is some info on Mimico Creek and work being done by the TRCA (Toronto and Regain Conservation for the Living City) to conserve the watershed of the region.

Etobicoke-Mimico Watersheds Coalition

Moving towards our vision, TRCA engages in numerous projects and initiatives to restore ecosystem health to the Etobicoke-Mimico creeks watersheds and improve the quality of life for the communities living in these areas.

Situated side by side in the western part of TRCA's jurisdiction, the Etobicoke and Mimico creeks watersheds originate on the south slope of the Oak Ridges Moraine and travel south to Lake Ontario. Together, they total 28,860 hectares in size and support a population of over 400,000 people, and substantial numbers of businesses and industries. They are two of the most highly developed, and therefore degraded, watersheds in the Toronto area.

The link above is a PDF of the TRCA 2006 Etobicoke and Mimico Creeks Watersheds Report Card. In it, Friends of Mimico Creek are listed as participating in stewardship programs for the water sheds.

Friends of Moncur

10 Gainsborough Rd M1P 4N7
Ward: 32

Moncur Park is a hidden gem that desperately needs a polish. The park nestles in a low lying field between two hills, bordered by Coxwell Avenue to the west and Gainsborough Drive to the east. For years now, the park has been unused. Reasons for the lack of activity range from: a serious drainage issue, a lack of shade and outdated park equipment. In addition, Moncur’s isolated location and of lighting keeps families away as unsavoury characters deal drugs or loiter at all hours of the day. In the last five years the area’s demographic has changed from a primarily aging population to one of young families with children. The members of this community have recognised Moncur Park as an underused resource and together formed ‘FOMP’, Friends of Moncur Park.

Friends of Oriole Park

2975 Don Mills Rd W M2J 3B7

Friends of Oriole Park (FOP) is a local community group committed to ensuring that Oriole Park will benefit all park users and retain the park’s green space; and that any proposed changes to the park only be done with extensive community consultation. Our growing membership is diverse and includes members of different ages, lifestyles and backgrounds – young professionals, retirees, parents, grandparents, dog owners, home owners, and apartment residents.

Although our main focus continues to be Oriole Park, Friends of Oriole Park are also becoming involved in other neighborhood issues. We have also begun the process of developing a vision and long-tern plan for the expansion and improvement of Oriole Park. In this regard, one of our projects is to free-up some TTC lands adjacent to the park so that Oriole Park can be expanded to meet increasing demands from a broad spectrum of users.

Oriole Community Centre

2975 Don Mills Rd W M2J 3B7
416 395-7855

%l newin

A large multi-use facility located in the Peanut area on Don Mills road west just north of Sheppard Ave. Programs are offered for preschoolers, children, youth, adults and older adults. Rooms are also available to permit for individuals or groups.

  • Oriole Advisory Council is located next to Oriole Park

Friends of Phin Pocket Neighbourhood Association

A group for anyone who lived at Phin Park or grew up near here in the 60's/70's.

The Pocket forges its own unique identity
Excerpts from an article in the Toronto Star by Paola Loriggio. March 14, 2009

There really was no other name for it. Nestled between CN train tracks and the Greenwood TTC yard, accessible only from the west on Jones Ave., the northeast corner of Riverdale formed a tranquil pocket in the otherwise bustling neighbourhood.

So that's what they called it: The Pocket.

When a group of residents decided to launch the newsletter in 2003, they didn't know what to call it, because the community itself had no name, McMurray said. "The Pocket" came out in a brainstorming session after someone noted that the area is closed on three sides.

(The Pocket) has grown into a hotbed of grassroots activities, from annual litter-pickups to tree-planting drives and a volunteer-built ice rink in the park. Homeowners fed up with vandalism in an unnamed alley pitched in to clean it and christen it Ben Kerr Lane, after the late busker and mayoral candidate, also a Pocket resident. The lane's official naming ceremony last May turned into one of the top social events of the season, says Trish O'Reilly, who spearheaded the lane project.

Friends of Pricefield Park

Friends of Pricefield Park

2 pricefield road, toronto, on

The appeal: Nestled in the heart of Rosedale (which makes for some good sight-seeing on the way), this urban park is our favourite for ‘one-stop shopping’. With free parking always available right next to the park, a full view of the (working) CP Rail train tracks and the Summerhill LCBO location—not to mention a Timothy’s a few minutes away on foot—it’s an urban enclave that makes going to the playground a very civilized experience.

Extras: About 40 trains come by every day. Stick around until you see one—it’s worth the wait to be that close to the real deal. Also the sandbox has a special digger kids can ride on—just like Bob the Builder!

Good to Know: There’s an open field next to the playground, great for soccer, which makes this a perfect park to for a group of all ages.

Friends of Riverdale Farm

Friends of Riverdale Farm, Friends of Riverdale Farm

201 Winchester Street,
Recreation Programmer, Senga Maclean
416 392-6794

Tour the Farm’s scenic 7.5 acres along pathways through wooded areas, around ponds, and into butterfly-herb-flower-vegetable gardens. Visit the farm animals and chat with the farmer during daily chores. Riverdale Farm is located in a park setting in the heart of the downtown community of Cabbagetown. Admission is free and parking is only available on neighbouring city streets.

In April 2001, an enthusiastic and energetic group who called themselves, the Friends of Riverdale Farm, recognized the need to enhance the ambiance of the City-operated Riverdale Farm. FRF was incorporated in November 2001 and in a short time of its establishment, working in partnership with Toronto Parks and Recreation, and alongside the Farm Advisory Committee, has significantly enhanced the experience visiting Riverdale Farm, as well as contributed to the programs and services to visitors.

FRF volunteers run the Farm Kitchen, a snack bar which serves delicious home baked cookies and treats. The Shop at the Farm is a delightful gift shop carrying the works of local artists and artisans. Friends' first permanent project in partnership with the Farm Advisory Committee and Toronto Parks and Recreation, was the construction of the wood fired oven. Friends' volunteers fire the oven every Tuesday in the winter and summer to bake bread. In the growing season, Friends run the Farmers' Market in Riverdale Park on Tuesdays 3 to 7 pm.

The projects undertaken by this grassroots fundraising volunteer committee, have yielded some very favorable results. They have enabled the reinvesting of funds into existing facilities to improve and update them. These in turn have benefited the Farm's visitors.

Friends of Sonya Park

Friends of Sonya Park

63 Oxford St, Toronto, ON?

Friends Of Stanley Park

Friends Of Stanley Park

845 King St W M5V 1P1

Friends of Stanley Park Toronto is a group of diverse volunteers whose mission is to revitalize and preserve Stanley Park Toronto, in partnership with the community, for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Since 2008, Friends of Stanley Park Toronto has been recognized by City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation and by the area councillor as the vehicle of community consultation for the park.

Mission Statement: 'The Friends of Stanley Park Toronto's mission is to revitalize and preserve Stanley Park Toronto, in partnership with the community, for the enjoyment of present and future generations.'

  • They have a very active facebook page with park news and lots of interesting links.

The link belowe is the Friends of Stanley Park Blog with a detailed budget for the revitalization of the park over the last three years.

Friends of the Don East

Friends of the Don East

Box 65124 – 358 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON, M4K 3Z2
(416) 657-2800
Debbie Supran
President of Board of Directors

Friends of the Don East is a membership-based charitable organization working to protect and enhance the Don River and to encourage the establishment of healthy and sustainable communities within the central and eastern portions of the Don watershed in Toronto, Ontario.

While we support all aspects of sustainable development, including energy efficiency and social equity, our primary mandate is the design and delivery of educational and community involvement programs to protect the natural heritage and ecological integrity of the Don watershed.

FODE was created in 1993 in the pre-amalgamation borough of East York. The group was modelled after the Task Force to Bring Back the Don, which at the time was limited to the area within the borders of the old city of Toronto. As a non-governmental organization, they lobbied East York Council to be more environmentally aware, especially with respect to the East York Official Plan and other planning issues. On environmental issues, they opposed the building of the Leslie Street extension. During this time, they persuaded the TRCA to designate Crothers' Woods, which lay directly in the path of the planned extension, as an Environmentally Significant Area (ESA). That plan is now[when?] called Redway Road, and is part of a plan to build a bus-only road as part of the Don Valley Transportation Master Plan.[citation needed]

In 2004, FODE attained charitable status. While this limits their ability to perform advocacy work—Canadian charities are not supposed to be politically active—it does allow the organization to raise funds more easily.

Friends of Topham

Friends of Topham, Friends of Topham

181 Westview Blvd M4B 3J3
Ward: 31

Topham Park offers creative play for caregiver and tot programs during the mornings for 9:30-11:30 am. Children experience new activities and develop social and physical skills. While interacting with other children, they explore and use their imagination in a fun and safe environment.

Minor Softball League

Topham Park Minor Softball League began in 1973, and is a 100% volunteer organization, providing house-league softball for children between the ages of 5 - 18. Our season generally runs from late April, thru until late June. We also have a Select program for those that wish to play in tournaments throughout the summer months.

Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park

Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park

1053 Dundas St W
Toronto, ON M6J 1X1

Who are we?
Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park is a volunteer group that works together to improve the green space, cultural and recreational activities of Trinity Bellwoods Park. Its volunteer members have founded and operate a weekly summer farmers market, coordinate an Adopt-A-Tree program to water and nurture the new planted saplings in the park, created and operate a greenhouse as an educational and community resource, present bulb and shrub planting events in collaboration with Parks & Recreation and respond to community issues that affect the park. Since 2001, Friends of Trinity Bellwoods has been recognized by Parks & Rec and by our councilor as the vehicle of community consultation for the park. We are a diverse group who are willing to share new ideas, respect other points of view, and participate in a collaborative process to create a vibrant community park.

What's our mission?
We hope to ensure that the park will be a healthy public green space for decades to come. Toronto's parks are often referred to as the "lungs" of our city. Besides providing a welcome refuge from the hurly burly of city life, park trees and public greens help clean our air of pollutants. Historically designated as an arboretum, Trinity Bellwoods, contains some of the oldest and most unique trees in Toronto. We want to take care of the existing natural environment and gradually improve it over time.

Friends of Victoria Memorial Square

Wellington Place Neighbourhood Associaton
c/o Scott James, Secretary
20 Niagara St., Ste 402,
Toronto, On, M5V 3L8

Victoria Memorial Square is a park and former cemetery in Toronto, Canada. Established in 1763 as the burial place for those affiliated with the nearby Fort York, it was the first cemetery to be used by European settlers in what would become the city of Toronto. The park today is the site of a monument to the War of 1812 sculpted by Walter Seymour Allward and completed in 1902.

The Wellington Place Neighbourhood Association (WPNA) was formed in recent years to represent the interests of the vibrant and growing residential and business community, the people who live and work in the area bounded by Adelaide, Peter, Front and Bathurst. It includes both Clarence Square to the east and Victoria Memorial Square to the west. Victoria memorial square is a hidden gem in a previously neglected part of the City. Until the mid 1990’s, when the City changed the planning rules for “The Kings”, the area was primarily industrial and commercial. Now it is a rapidly growing model of a mixed-use neighbourhood — but with very limited park space. What exists is facing unprecedented demand, and urgently needs improvement.

Restoration Plan
The restoration will include improvements to the park amenities — regrading, lighting, pathways, trees and plantings, furniture and playground — and a visible public commemoration of the rich history of the cemetery and the central monument with its sculpture by Walter Allward. WPNA (Wellington Place Neighbourhood Association) has been working since 2002 with the local City Councillor, City staff and the community to develop a conceptual plan for the park restoration.

The community plan, endorsed by both Jane Jacobs and the Ontario Heritage Trust, has been adopted by the City as the basis for the park’s restoration.

  • This information seem to be about six years outdated.

Friends of Withrow Park

Friends of Withrow Park

The Withrow Park Farmers' Market is administered by a volunteer market committee that consists of neighbours, park and area users, and the market co-ordinator. To meet our team click here.

The market is a place for Ontario farmers using organic and ecological production methods, as well as producers of organic prepared foods, to sell their products directly to the consumer.

The Withrow Park Farmers' Market operates mainly as a non-profit community venture. Our biggest interest is to give farmers an opportunity to secure a livelihood, and for eaters to get access to some real food. We are slowly building relationships that will help anchor the market in its community, and we thank all our partners, farmers, vendors, and of course market patrons who share in our vision for a strong local food system and vibrant communities.




Garrison Creek Park is in downtown Toronto, north of Dupont St, east of Ossington Ave, and west of Shaw St, between the railway tracks and Acores Ave.

The aim of the Garrison Creek Park Community Association is to:

  • Create a community of actively participating members
  • Act as stewards for the Garrison Creek Park, working with the City of Toronto to create an inviting green space for community enjoyment
  • Cooperatively educate ourselves on issues of the environment and the food systems that sustain our community
  • Operate a garden space in which GCPCA members can grow food and other plants for the enjoyment of themselves, their families, and the community as a whole




1426 Gerrard St East, Toronto Ontario, M4L 1Z6

Gerrard India Bazaar is the largest marketing place of South Asian goods and services in North America. With over 100 shops and restaurants which represent regional diversities of South Asian culture, food, music and products, this slice of the Indian subcontinent offers a wide selection of services and products exhibited in an exotic display of sights, sounds, tastes and aromas. They array of merchandise available here helps South Asians maintain ancient cultural and religious traditions, and keep in touch with the contemporary lifestyle of the subcontinent.

The bazaar’s businesses include restaurants boasting a wide range of Subcontinent cuisines, clothing and materials to sew yourself or have tailored to fit, jewelry (including gold and gems), and music ranging from ancient classical compositions to today’s trendy beats.

The bazaar is open year round. Many of the businesses in the bazaar are open from 12pm and close around 9pm.



Glen Stewart Park is located in Toronto’s east end, bordered by Kingston Road/Queen St East to the north and south, and Balsam Ave/Glen manor Drive to the east and west. The park is not easily seen from the main road. It lies mainly behind the houses on the south side of Kingston Road. As you drive downtown, look for the park behind the Beech Pharmacy.

The City of Toronto parks department has developed an interpretive nature trail through the Glen Stewart Ravine and an attractive pocket-size guidebook to go with it. The city hopes that city residents in general and school groups in particular will take advantage of these resources to learn to appreciate the beauty and hidden charms of this narrow ravine.



23 Grandravine Drive, North York Ontario, M3J 1B3

Grandravine Community Centre is located at Keele Street and Grandravine Drive, on the east side of Grandravine Park. It is a large multifunctional centre and is the home of many community groups.

The centre’s facilities include an outdoor pool, indoor rink, indoor dry pad and eight multipurpose rooms.

The centre offers drop-in swimming programs, as well as registered programs in dance, music, fitness, skating, sports and cooking. All day children’s camps are also offered.




  1. 201-699 Danforth Ave, Toronto Ontairo, M4J 1L2

Our BIA was established in August of 1981 as the Danforth Village Business Improvement Area. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, our area was considered the largest GreekTown in North America and had one of the highest concentrations of Hellenic immigrants living outside of Greece. As a tribute to our rich Hellenic heritage, the BIA Board of Management lobbied City Hall and in June of 1993, the name of our BIA was officially changed to GreekTown on the Danforth.

Our clean and safe community offers something for everyone, with a wide array of restaurants, retail stores, services and cafes, all within easy walking distance from each other. GreekTown’s signature event is the annual Pilaros Taste of the Danforth, a massive weekend-long street party that draws more than one million visitors to our district each August. All profits from the annual festival are donated to support organizations such as:

  • East General Hospital
  • Neighbourhood schools
  • Greek Student Association of York
  • All Greek parades held on the Danforth



should maybe just go under “GYRA”? (“Bloor/Yorkville BIA” has its own write-up in here and the GYRA is a separate organization) Manulife P.O. Box 19512, Toronto Ontario, M4W 3T9

The Greater Yorkville Residents’ Association represents the community interests of condominium/cooperative residents in the Greater Yorkville Area. The neighbourhood is a charming mix of old residential areas, premier shopping facilities and a cluster of outstanding cultural venues interspersed with excellent hotels and restaurants. It is a fast growing residential area because of its positioning and diverse mix of attractions.

The GYRA is currently composed of 23 condominium/cooperatives, representing 2055 units with approximately 3500 residents.

The aims of the GYRA are:

  • To be a collective voice for condominium/cooperative residents on issues affecting their area
  • To ensure a balance between residential and commercial developments in order to achieve the best solutions in the interests of all parties concerned
  • To protect, where possible, historical legacies and areas of special identity
  • To maintain constant vigilance on environmental issues, and to ensure that a re-greening of the Greater Yorkville area is implemented to provide a living legacy