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Community Advisory Stakeholders A-B

20-Sep-2011 [626]

• The City's list of "stakeholders" who were contacted to give their opinions about the Recreation Service Plan in May and June, 2011 (and the Parks Plan in September 2011).

18 Yorkville Condominium

18 Yorkville Condominium

18 Yorkville is a luxury condominium building located on Yorkville between Yonge and Bay consisting of a 36-story tower and a 7-story enclave called "the Villas" on Scollard. A public park beautifully landscaped by the architectural firm of Janet Rosenberg and Associates connects the two buildings and the Yorkville Public Library.

  • the park is called Yonge/Scollard Park

18 Yorkville was conceived as an ensemble of buildings, organized around a new public park that ties the project into the Yorkville retail and entertainment district. The complex consists of a slender 36-storey residential tower, anchored by a seven-storey podium facing east onto Yonge Street. The Villas townhouse building faces north onto Scollard, and defers to the scale and materials of this side street of Victorian workers cottages.

A newly created public park shelters in the ‘L’ formed by 18 Yorkville and the Villas. It provides a graceful transition between a revitalized Yonge Street, the modernist aesthetic of the new buildings, and the surrounding historical precinct.

ABC Residents Association

ABC Residents Association

ABCRA serves the residents who live in Toronto between Bloor Street to the south and the CPR tracks to the north; and from Yonge Street to the east and Avenue Road to the west.

This is a diverse area with established residential streets, low- and high-rise condos and apartment buildings and low- and high-rise commercial establishments. Every resident (renter or owner) in the area is automatically a member.

ABC was formed in 1957 as the Bay Avenue RoadRatepayers' Association with aims to monitor changes in the neighbourhood and to improve life in the community.

What we do...

  • ABC Board members attend the Association's meetings and stay informed on current issues which they communicate to other residents.
  • Board members assist members who have concerns about local matters.
  • Board members may serve on various committees, such as parks, traffic and signage, and working committees on the many developments in the area.
  • ABC liaises with City Hall, the police, the business community, and other residents' groups.
  • ABC is a long-time member of CORRA (Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Associations) and more recently a member of FoNTRA (Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations).

These organizations have been working on the City of Toronto's new Official Plan, on Ontario Municipal Board reform and the Draft Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, as well as on other issues in the city.

Alex Wilson Community Garden


Alex Wilson Community Garden

The naturalized areas of the garden have been planted exclusively with native plant species, and are expected to have a positive impact on local biodiversity. The Earth Council Institute of Canada has assisted the Alex Wilson Community Garden Committee in developing both ecological and socio-economic frameworks for monitoring the positive impacts of the garden.

An analytical account of the history and aspirations of the Alex Wilson Community Garden in Toronto provides an ideal opportunity to examine the connections between two typically distinct enterprises: ecological restoration and community gardening. These are both important contemporary ecological movements, but are rarely combined in a single project that demonstrates the principles of sustainable land use and community planning.

The planning process which led up to the design of the garden was participatory in nature, encompassing friends and colleagues of Alex Wilson, local residents and city planning officials, and made use of a number of planning tools not usually applied in an urban setting, including the granting of a conservation easement.

Annex Residents Association

Contact: David Harrison, Chair

Annex Residents Association

"The ARA is a volunteer organization of residents committed to improving and preserving the distinctive character of our neighbourhood. Our strength depends on our base of support in a well-informed community."

The Planning and Zoning Committee is a committee of the ARA which is responsible for reviewing and addressing, on behalf of the ARA, planning applications within the Annex. Planning applications can take one of two forms, committee of adjustment applications, which in theory involve relatively minor variations from the zoning by-laws and rezoning applications, which involve more substantial amendments both to the zoning bylaws and the Official Plan.

Development activities continue as a major focus of ARA activities in 2011. The Planning and Zoning Committee has been very active in supporting neighbours as they deal with issues of concern whether they stem from:

  • Committee of Adjustment applications and decisions
  • Major projects
  • OMB appeals

1) Committee of Adjustment: Every two weeks the ARA receives a copy of the upcoming agenda of the Committee of Adjustment for the Toronto/East York panel.

2) Major Development Projects: There are continuous projects and potential projects requiring time and effort to be spent with the applicants and Urban Development Services staff.

We could use your help. The Planning and Zoning Committee monitors and often intervenes in proposals for renovations or new construction that could affect the integrity and quality of life in our neighbourhood. We strive to represent a cross-section of Annex residents and include members with appropriate expertise, so we are looking for volunteers to join the Committee. It won't take a lot of time as the P&Z committee meets just once a month.

Working with the Councillor, the City’s Planning office, and with other neighbourhood or civic organizations, the committee helps Annex residents protect themselves against intrusive construction or development, ensures that zoning and heritage regulations are followed, reviews any application before the City’s Committee of Adjustment for an exemption to a by-law, and participates in appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board.

Any member of the ARA who may be interested should contact Frank Cunningham, the chair of the Planning and Zoning Committee, at



As a volunteer committee of the Annex Residents' Association, the Parks and Trees Committee has a focus on maintaining and strengthening the quality of life in the Annex through various interests and projects, including ensuring the integrity, maintenance, and renewal of our existing parks and the infrastructure of the urban forest, and developing new parks to increase the limited green and open space, and to better meet the needs of the community in enjoying and fostering close ties with the natural elements that help sustain the built environment. To this end, we work closely with the community and neighbourhoods and various working committees of the Annex, with the representatives of the City Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department, and with the ward Councillor Adam Vaughan and his office.

In the late 60s and early 70s the ARA was instrumental in the defeat of the infamous Spadina Expressway. More recently, when the flower beds in the Annex parks were discontinued due to City Parks budget cuts, the Annex Residents' Association members designed and planted the rose gardens in Sibelius Park and members contributed funds to install the low wrought iron fence hoops around the beds. The ARA, under the loving and capable eye of Board Member Paul Martel, has completely redesigned and rebuilt Ecology Park. The ARA fought at the Ontario Municipal Board to maintain the integrity of Taddle Creek Park when the owners of 50 Prince Arthur applied to build 9 townhouses in the north part of their property.

Smaller parks on the subway lands were promoted by the ARA. The ARA hosts a rotating schedule of maintenance days at each of our local parks.

One-way streets and traffic calming humps were proposed by the ARA in an effort to discourage the use of our streets as short cuts to somewhere else.

CELOS Survey:

Q: What is the nature of your involvement with city parks?

A: Our involvement has varied widely. More recently we've been involved with helping to establish local community working groups that have provided input into planning and design for revitalization of parks in the Annex. In one park (Ecology Park), there is a local working group which undertakes weekly maintenance of the park. I am also the contact point for any community issues related to the neighborhood parks and trees.

Q: Has your group collaborated with park staff on community events or making park improvements?

A: Yes, please see comments above. In addition, if neighbours make specific requests, these are discussed by the Annex Residents' Association Board of Directors and I communicate our proposal to the City Supervisor responsible for this area as well as the Councillor's Office.

Q: Does your group use a park for events or gatherings? (If so, have permit fees limited your use of the park?)

A: Yes, we occasionally use Sibelius Park for neighbourhood activities such as hot chocolate and skating night or hot dog BBQ in the summer. I've not been involved in these events which are handled by the local neighborhood working group for the park. I assume a permit is acquired. Please contact Patrick Kennedy ( Chair of the Sibelius Park Working Group for more information regarding this.

Information provided by Michael Low, Chair – Parks and Tress, the Annex Residents' Association

Antibes Steering Committee

Turning Antibes Community Centre into a priority centre.

Councillors on the community development and recreation committee agreed and voted 4-1 to give the centre a priority centre designation "subject to the 2012 budget process."

The move would drastically reduce fees for residents wanting to use recreation programs at the centre which is located in one of the city's 13 designated priority neighbourhoods.

The festival steering committee, chaired by Maureen Simpson, has been working with my ( counselor Mike Feldman of Ward 10) senior executive assistant, Nancy Oomen, parks staff and volunteers to bring the community an event to be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Welcome Policy campaign has been initiated by members of the Bathurst-Finch Network steering committee and others to improve access to community recreation in Toronto and make Antibes Community Centre a priority ‘free’ centre. Endorsers include Family Service Toronto, Griffin Centre, Jewish Family and Child, JIAS Toronto, North York Women’s Centre, LAMP Community Heath Centre, Stonegate Community Health Centre and others.


In our first year, we organized two large community events and started new programs including a regular Community Women’s Dinner, a Good Food Market and ESL delivered onsite at a seniors building…one example is our growing campaign on access to community recreation. Members of the BFN steering committee have written letters, met with City staff and recently helped to publish an opinion piece in the Toronto Star. Our goal: we’d like our community centre, Antibes CC, to be named a ‘priority centre.’ That would mean it would be free. We would also like to see city-wide changes to the ‘Welcome Policy’ – The City’s subsidy program for community recreation- to make it simpler, easier and more accessible.

Sub committee : Food Action Team ( FAT) “ been very fortunate to have had the city provide funding to hire a person to organize all of our food projects and to support the people who make them work, two days a week”

Alliance of Seniors

this website is pretty outdated - 2006

Alliance of Seniors

The Alliance of Seniors to Protect Canada's Social Programs- Founded in 1993, the Alliance was established to promote social justice, the democratic process and the preservation of the fundamental principles of Canadian Life.

The Alliance of Seniors to Protect Canada’s Social Programs have Organizational membership in the Toronto Seniors' Assembly.

The Toronto Seniors' Assembly provides an opportunity for the City, through the Toronto Seniors' Advocate and seniors' communities across Toronto, to better inform seniors of City initiatives and help shape issues within the City from a critical seniors' perspective.


The mandate of the Seniors' Assembly is:

1. to be a citizen advisory body to Toronto's Seniors' Advocate, advising on seniors' issues;
2. to consult with respective communities on City issues and bring forward community issues to the attention of the Seniors Advocate / City;
3. to provide expert advice, representing respective community perspectives on City issues impacting on seniors; and
4. to increase its capacity to effectively address seniors' issues in Toronto and to partner with the City in advocating to senior levels of government.

Consulted for a report by the Roundtable’s Reference Group on Seniors’ Housing ( between 2003 and 2006). In addition to providing it to all members of the Roundtable, the report was forwarded to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration.

Aquatic Working Group

Aquatic Working Group

In March 2008, the TDSB asked David Crombie, Chair of the Toronto Land’s Corporation to propose a long term sustainable solution for the continued use of the Board’s pools. In September 2008, the Aquatic Working Group ( AWG) was created to develop a community-based long-term strategy for the use of the pools. The AWG includes swim clubs, aquatics instructors, parent councils, trustees, representatives from the City, Province and TDSB as well as organizations like the YMCA, The Canadian Tire Foundation for Families, Let’s Make Waves, and the Lifesaving Society. In March 2009, the Toronto Land’s Corporation Report “ Long-tern Strategy for 39 Pools in the TDSB” was submitted to the TDSB see for a copy of the repot and recommendations.

January 20, 2010 - It took nearly 3 years - from our first 'Save Our Pool' protests at Keele St. Public School to today, but we can now finally say the battle has been won. Last night, the TDSB voted in favour of saving the remaining nine public school pools.

Aquatic Working Group - toronto

d. Governance (David Crombie)

  • Right now the pools are governed by us, the TLC and AWG. We need a long term model.
  • The Governance Committee has been created and has met once. It has 2 reps from each of the TLC, AWG, and TDSB. The City hasn’t yet replied to a letter sent by David Crombie to the Mayor inviting City participation. Janet Davis from the City came to the first meeting of the Governance Committee, her participation was as an observer only.
  • There could be a connection between the governance of pools and community hubs. The City is looking at reconciling plans in the 6 former municipalities to remove existing obstacles to community hubs.
  • The Committee is gathering material on governance models, and is open to ideas from all, including the AWG. The Committee will report in June 2010, and the report may include an interim solution. This is in part because the City lease of TDSB pools is up in January 2011. There will be no “silver bullet”, we’re going to have to create this thing.

Toronto Land’s Corporation

The Toronto Lands Corporation was created in September 2007 and incorporated in April 2008 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Toronto District School Board. The TLC’s mission is to maximize the Toronto District School Board’s real estate revenues in order to reinvest in TDSB schools and students. The TLC does this by working to maximize the income we gather on properties that the TDSB directs to us, both for lease management and for sale. The real estate portfolio is managed within the context of community building in partnership with the TDSB. We recognize that these properties are vitally important to the communities in which they are located. The TLC has the experience and expertise to strive for and achieve a balance between maximizing revenues and meeting community-building objectives.

On an annual basis the TLC develops a workplan identifying how its goals and objectives for the year will be met. These goals and objectives coincide with the direction provided by its sole shareholder, the Toronto District School Board.


Swim Toronto is a collaborative initiative of the TLC, TDSB and Aquatic Working Group (AWG) that is committed to:

  • School pools serving Toronto communities,
  • Pools being a community asset that contribute to strong communities and neighbourhoods, and
  • Delivering a governance model that will be effective in meeting both the governance and long-term sustainability needs of pools.

The mandate of Swim Toronto is:

  • To develop policies that will help sustain the pools over time, including a sponsorship policy and plan, a permitting strategy, and a fundraising strategy and policy.
  • To coordinate the Aquatics Working Group.
  • To liaise with the TDSB administrative, programming and maintenance staff.
  • To oversee and monitor capital repairs (to pools).
  • To set the annual budget for pools, which will be approved by the TLC and the TDSB.
  • To monitor permit revenues.
  • To identify sustainable sources of funding.
  • To support local pool committees.
  • To work with the TDSB to conduct a review of the square footage funding policy for pools, and place an emphasis on increasing programming to increase permit revenues.
  • To work with the TDSB to deliver semi-annual information meetings to all key pool-related TDSB staff (including principals and superintendents) to discuss pool-specific matters.

Toronto Sports Council

The Toronto Sports Council hosted an Aquatic Summit to assist David Crombie in his work to develop a long-term sustainable solution for the continued use of the Toronto District School Board pools. This work lead to a commitment from the Provincial Government to fund a transition plan which includes the establishment of an Aquatics Working Group (AWG).

The AWG is made up of members of the community and stakeholders who are working together to devise a long-term solution.

Each of the 39 pools requires an pool specific strategy and therefore voluteer pool captains will collect information on a specific pool. A pool template has been developed.

Argonaut Rowing Club

contact :

As outlined in their strategic plan at

Argonaut Rowing Club

The ARC provides a wide variety of premier quality, rowing skills development programs, based on the fundamentals of the Long-term Athlete Development Model outlined by Rowing Canada. We are volunteer driven, proud of our tradition of rowing excellence, strengthened by our membership of highly skilled rowers and coaches.

Goal: a. Provide top quality training facilities and access to high quality rowing water

  • ARC is an active participant in planning and development opportunities on the Western Beaches
  • ARC members attend WEBSA and WBWAC meetings
  • Good relations are maintained with neighbouring Clubs and with the City
  • ARC members participate in the development of the Western Waterfront Master Plan

Consulted in City of Toronto Western Waterfront Master Plan 2009


This report recommends that the Western Waterfront Master Plan be approved by City Council and used to guide future decisions related to improvements to the public realm within the Western Waterfront over the next twenty years and beyond.

The Master Plan provides an overall vision for improving parkland, beaches, break walls, trails, promenades, roads, bridges, servicing and recreational facilities within the Western Waterfront. The Plan applies to the waterfront area between the Humber River and Exhibition Place and includes Sunnyside Beach and Marilyn Bell Park. It was prepared for the City by a consulting team led by planning Alliance.

Communication: (June 1, 2009) e-mail from Judy Sutcliffe, Secretary, Argonaut Rowing Club (EX.Main.EX33.20.2)



-information pending


Bathurst Jewish Community Centre

4588 Bathurst St (north of Sheppard) Toronto, Ontario
Hours: Mon-Thurs 6-9, Friday 6-6, Sat-Sun 7-7

The Prosserman Jewish Community Centre opened in July 2009. The JCC is home to social, educational, cultural, health and wellness programs rooted in Jewish values and innovative collaboration. We are an inclusive community that supports the growth of all persons in spirit, mind, and body. We are dedicated to enriching the quality of life for individuals, for families, for our neighbourhoods and city.

Housed in a beautiful and fully accessible building, the Prosserman JCC features [among others] the following facilities and programs:

A fitness centre with state-of-the-art equipment and health and wellness programs.

A new media studio with 18 work stations and the latest in software. The New Media program features courses for children, adults and seniors…taught in English, Russian and Hebrew.

A Jewish learning program…including classes for interfaith couples, thought-provoking courses on Jewish-themed topics and Yiddish learning classes.

A daycare and preschool, with full day and morning programs.

The Centre is located between two large parks, Hinder Property and Carscadden Greenbelt.



303-887 Bay Street, Toronto Ontario, M5S 3K4

The BCCA was originally established in 1995 as the Bay Corridor Community Association with three founding members: Polo Club I, Polo Club II, and 1001 Bay. Reflecting the tremendous growth in the area, the Association presently counts 11 condominiums/apartment buildings among its members.

In 2008 the BCCA was officially incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation by the Province of Ontario. To reflect and honour the significant history of the area, the Association was officially renamed the Bay Cloverhill Community Association.

Mission Statement:
To build a great urban neighbourhood in active partnership with those who live and work here. A green and clean community recognized for its exceptional quality of life. We strive to balance sustainable urban growth with respect for the natural and human environment. We seek to collaborate with community partners for positive and meaningful change. We are committed to being responsive, transparent, and accountable to our members. We advocate for our community with passion and perseverance.

The association is currently advocating for the creation of a community park at 11 Wellesley Street West – The Opera Lands.




This community is situated between Victoria Park and Coxwell Avenues, and it is south of Kingston Road, while the Upper Beaches reaches up to Gerrard St East.

There are several parks and gardens in the area – and the lovely parkland along the beach and boardwalk.


A revitalized Eaton’s College Park building, with its iconic, five-star Carlu Hall, has reignited an economic fascination for one of downtown Toronto’s most prestigious and historic blocks, bounded by College, Gerrard, Bay and Yonge Streets.

Canderel Stoneridge is poised to begin construction of Aura, a 75-storey condominium tower just south of College Park at the corner of Yonge and Gerrard. The residential skyscraper…will create a vertical community of close to 3,000 people. With close to 1,000 condo units, Aura will have the population of a town the size of Lakefield.

“When we designed Phase 1 and 2 (The Residences of College Park) we decided that there should be eyes on the [Barbara Ann Scott] park. The condos that were constructed look directly down into the park. As well, we put in a row of townhouses with front doors that open onto the grass.”

“Aura will have a two-storey lobby – a high wall of curtain glass – that opens right onto the park. There will be public space inside, the art that will be hung will look more like a gallery than a lobby. It will animate the edge of the park. To have this amount of space is invigorating. Canderel Stoneridge from the start has wanted to fix up this open space, especially in how people come into the park.”



Bordered by Augusta Ave/Bellevue Street and Walves Ave/Denison Square, Kensington Market, Toronto

Bellevue Sequare Park is a small plot of land decorated with trees, trails, a playground and a wading pool. Visitors come to enjoy the creative vibe this park holds and it clearly is a microcosm of the diversity and culture Toronto stands for.

In 2006, Kensington Market, including the park, was designated as a National Historic Site. The market has been home to an influx of immigrants varying in origin. Formerly known as the Jewish market, Kensington is now home to many Asian immigrants. The cultural face of this area is constantly changing as years pass.

The Kensington Market Action Committee (KMAC) strives to make the park a better place in any way they can. Made up of local Kensington residents, they do their best to make it a nicer place to visit by taking care of the trees, flowers watering and garbage removal. KMAC also participates in general discussions on the upkeep, maintenance and seasonal use of the park for festivals.



Contact: The park is located on Eglinton Ave West between Everden Road and Strathearn Road.

This iniative has been spearheaded by the eco-gardening group Growing For Green in partnership with the fruit harvesting project Not Far From The Tree. All the work will be done by volunteers, including irrigation, mulching, pruning and harvesting and cleaning the orchard.

On June 4, 2009, our little orchard was planted in Ben Nobleman Park, an underused green space just across from Eglinton West Subway station. At the moment we have 9 fruit trees including 3 pears, 3 plums and 3 sweet cherries. Our goal is to plant a total of 14 fruit trees that will provide fruit for volunteers and local agencies, and to transform this little park into a vibrant hub for the community.

The orchard will be a place for the community to volunteer and socialize, to have blossom and fruit festivals, pruning workshops, orchard picnics, children’s education workshops and other community events. Growing For Green is also bringing the Sharing Backyards program to Toronto.

CELOS Survey:

Q: What is the nature of your relationship with city parks?

A: We worked closely with Parks, forestry and recreation to found our community orchard in Ben Nobleman Park. We were working with Christopher Martin, who was then the supervisor for the yard taking care of our park and he was incredibly helpful and supportive.

Q: Have the you collaborated with park staff on community events or making park improvements?

A: Yes, we worked closely with parks staff both on planting our orchard, and in renovating the perennial bed. After our stewardship days, we email our contact in parks and they will send a team to pick up any yard waste from the park. Parks helped our group by giving us a bunker/ tool shed and by covering the cost of some of our plant materials. In years past, parks staff have also given us mulch for our trees and perennial bed. In 2009 and 2010 Parks partnered with us for our annual harvest festival and helped by picking up the tents we rented from Wychwood barns before the festival and dropping them back off afterwards.

Q: How do you find yourself using the park for events or gatherings? (and have permit fees limited your use of the park?)

A: We have used the park for stewardship days, workshops and harvest festivals and for orchard or edible tree tours. So far we have not needed to pay permit fees since Parks, Forestry and Recreation was our partner for the harvest festivals so I suppose parks covered the cost. On the whole, Parks and Rec have been wonderful to work with and their support has helped our project to become a great success.

Information Provided by Susan Poizner, Coordinator- Growing for Green



2920 Lawrence Ave East, Scarborough Ontario, M1P 2T8

Bendale Acres is a 302-bed long-term care home which strives to promote individualized care that respects, supports and enables people to be as independent as possible within an environment in which dignity, self-esteem and the rights of residents and clients are respected. We respect residents’ honouring of community, family, cultural and faith traditions and recognize the value this diversity brings to our home.

Bendale Acres has been part of the local community in the Scarborough area since 1963. Renovations were completed in 1995, that updated the resident living areas creating 100 private and 101 semi-private rooms, each complete with ensuite washrooms. Bendale is a modern building with large windows, an atrium-style foyer complete with fireplace and skylights. Residents and their guets are able to enjoy visits in our large fenced garden across the front of the property.

Bendale Acres is a dynamic part of our surrounding community. We provide support to seniors and other groups. Bendale Acres supplies meals to the Scarborough Support Services Meals-on-Wheels program, seven days a week, producing over 600 meals per week. Bendale Acres has developed a close relationship with the Scarborough Rotary Club and Probus. Our home also has relationships with area schools for inter-generational programs. Secondary school, college and university students complete a variety of clinical and training rotations each year, sharing new knowledge and leraning from the experiences our staff share.

Big on Bloor

Big on Bloor

Dyan Marie - Co-Chair, 416 539-8129, Spiro Koumoudouros - Co-Chair, 416-259-6155,

BIG: Bloor Improvement Group has set a course for renewal and while returning to our founding mandate to be a BIG umbrella where groups and individuals find support for initiatives and projects that contribute to vital Bloor Street neighbourhoods.

BIG is now is planning for the 2012 BIG on Bloor Festival in July. We are delighted to announce a number of new and tried ideas and we invite you to participate: A Red Carpet Awards Program, to honor exceptional effort, talent and goodwill.

Big On Bloor Festival, Bloor Street from Dufferin to Lansdowne celebrates local business, community, arts and culture with a unique community and city-building festival featuring hundreds of events, activities and exhibitions.

Community Safety Initiative

In 2008/2009 BIG received a Community Safety Investment grant from the City of Toronto to undertake a community safety initiative. The goal of this work was to explore the issue of community safety with multiple stakeholders in the area and to collaboratively generate a strategic plan for community safety.

As a first step, BIG worked with the graduate Planning Program at the University of Toronto to develop a workshop project for graduate students. In Fall 2008 a group of four students developed an economic revitalization plan for Bloor Street between Landsdowne and Christie. The students were charged with the task of developing this plan in a way that tries to retain the current socioeconomic composition of the neighborhood and does not contribute to a process of displacing local residents or businesses.

This report can be viewed in three sections as follows: Neighborhood review and economic revitalization plan

Appendices with data from the research

A primer on 'gentrification'



1299 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough, M1P 2Y2

Situated in the beautiful Birkdale ravine, the community centre offers programs for all ages and abilities with a focus on older adults. Large windows in most of the program rooms offer scenic views of the park scenery, wildlife and the creek.

The Centre offers registered and drop-in programs including classes in the arts, fitness and wellness, sports, swimming, cooking, cards and games.



85 Bleecker Street, P.O. Box 5000, Toronto Ontario, M4X 1X1

In 1990 [the rundown buildings on Bleecker Street]were converted to a co-op. Diane Frankling has been the manager since the conversion.

Diane set about working with the members to create an inclusive community. She insured that Bleecker set an example for the rest of the co-op movement. People of all races, sexual orientation, ages, and income were part of the leadership at Bleecker Co-op.

The membership has a strong commitment to the inclusion of children and youth in the co-op. To ensure that quality programs are delivered to the highest possible standard, we employ a part-time child and youth co-ordinator and councilors to run these programs. Respecting our childrens’ individuality requires us to develop programs that cover a wide range of activities, including: arts & crafts, drama & music appreciation, literature, sports & athletics, computers, science and cooking. Our programs have enhanced individual members’ lives and our co-op community in general. The co-op also offers classes in Pilates, yoga, and fitness.

Bleecker Street Co-op has received countless awards from all levels of the co-op housing movement and numerous other community based organizations. They have been a winner of the CHFT award for youth every year since it was established.

Bleecker Street Co-op is taking part in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge – seeking funds to help spruce up Winchester Park South.

Bloor West Village Resident's Association

Bloor West Village Resident's Association

Chair: Gregory Hamara - On Leave, Acting Chair & Communications - Steve McNally, Policy - Rob Kerford

BWVRA's Mission Statement

To share information and encourage the participation of all area residents in activities that promote a livable community.


  • to engage residents, businesses and other interested members of the community in issues specific to Bloor West Village and concerns that may affect all of Toronto
  • to provide a liaison and seek support from all levels of government (municipal, provincial and federal and school board issues) that concern our community
  • to promote a safe and healthy environment
  • to maintain the quality of life that reflects the unique character of the local community
  • to participate, through the most effective means, in the planning of new and redevelopment opportunities that reflect the values of the local community
  • to be proactive by keeping well informed and sharing information with all residents, businesses and other interested members of the community and by working with other residents associations



55 Bloor St West, Suite 220, Toronto Ontario, M4W 1A5
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00

The Bloor-Yorkville BIA was founded on July 22, 1985 in response to the tremendous commercial, retail, residential and tourist growth that began in Toronto, at that time.

The Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area has a membership of nearly 1800 businesses. Any business to include property owners/managers, located within commercial assessed buildings, within our boundaries and pays businesses taxes, is automatically a BIA member, as a special levy is applied to the tax base. The basic BIA boundaries are St. Paul’s Square to the west side of Avenue Road and Scollard St to Charles St.

Our Mandate is to improve, beautify and maintain municipally owned lands, buildings, and structures in the area beyond such improvement beautification and maintenance as is provided at the expense of the Corporation of the City of Toronto at large; and to promote the Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area as a business or shopping area.

The Bloor-Yorkville BIA was created specifically to develop and implement streetscape beautification and promotional programs with a view to increasing business revenues and tourism in the area.



C/O 99 Durie St, Toronto Ontario, M6S 3E7

The Bloor Annex Business Improvement Area is a municipally designated body comprised of a co-operative association of business owners. It exists to maintain and promote the business community on Bloor St (between Madison Ave and Bathurst St) as a vital part of the City of Toronto within a caring neighbourhood.

Our Goals are to actively support the businesses in the BIA area and to work cooperatively within the local community.


  • To actively represent local businesses to the City
  • To provide support to events that occur in the area which bring focus to business
  • To promote the business area locally and to visitors through special events, programs and advertising
  • To maintain the business area as safe, clean and attractive
  • To facilitate a caring community
  • To actively participate in municipal tax policy development within the community and with other organizations
  • To inform BIA members of pertinent issues

BLOOR BY THE PARK BIA - No connection to parks


Contact: Ed Guca, Chair 416-532-8370

Nestled along Bloor St West just east of picturesque High Park between Keele and Roncesvalles, Bloor by the Park most closely mirrors Toronto’s diverse mix of cultures.

Established as a BIA in 1987, this district is currently well known for its many award-winning restaurants, featuring foods and beverages from the Orient, Mexico, France, the British Isles and elsewhere. Its distinctive combination of shops, services and sidewalk cafes also makes a stroll through the area well worthwhile.

The BIA holds an annual meeting to approve the yearly budget and to outline future projects. Property and business owners are invited to attend in order to let your views and concerns about the area be known.

Over the past few years our BIA has provided and maintained the flower arrangements located in various planter boxes along Bloor St. It is part of a continuing program to beautify our neighbourhood and make it a pleasant experience to stroll and view the many shops in our area.

The BIA also manages graffiti cleanup, street lighting for BIA businesses, replacing of street benches, and the organization of street festivals within the BIA boundaries.

CELOS Survey:

Q: Does the Bloor by the Park BIA have direct involvement with city parks?

A: No.

Q: Has the Bloor by the Park BIA collaborated with park staff on community events or making park improvements?

A: No.

Q: Does the Bloor by the Park BIA use a park/parks for events or gatherings? (If so, have permit fees limited your use of the park?)

A: No.

Information provided by Ed Guca, Chair - Bloor By The Park BIA




485 Montrose Ave, Toronto Ontario, M6G 3H2

Nestled on the south side of Bloor St at the foot of Christie St a stone throw from historic Christie Pitts Park, Bob Abate CRC is conveniently attached to the Bickford Learning Centre. A host of recreation programs and services are offered here for families and preschoolers.

The CRC’s facilities include a gymnasium, kitchen, and five multipurpose rooms.

The CRC offers registered programs for preschoolers, children and adults in: arts & crafts, dance, music, fitness, cooking, gardening and sports. ½ day and full day camps for children are also offered.


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