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12-Aug-2011 [504]
• This April 2010 Ontario Ministry of Health document "is in support of the Safe Water Program, Recreational Water Protocol under the Ontario Public Health Standards".
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Regulatory View: Wading Pools
Water treatment Owners and operators should make sure that the water in the wading pool is treated with chlorine, a chlorine compound or a bromine compound at all times during the daily use. • If using chlorine, maintain a level of free available chlorine equal to or greater than 5 milligrams per litre in the pool water at all times. • If using bromine, maintain a level of bromine equal to or greater than 5 milligrams per litre in the pool water at all times. • Maintain the pH level of the pool water between 7.2 and 7.8.
The Operating Procedures for Non-Regulated Recreational Water Facilities Guidance Document is designed to assist local boards of health with promoting the safe operation and use of nonregulated recreational water facilities through their inspection activities. Non-regulated recreational water facilities covered under this guidance document include public wading pools, spray pads/splash pads, and water slide receiving basins*. The document provides recommendations on minimum standards to protect public health at these facilities.
The guidance document is organized in three sections:
• Sections 1 and 2 of the document describe the purpose and context for inspecting nonregulated recreational facilities;
• Section 3 provides general inspection guidance related to the construction and operation of non-regulated recreational water facilities to consider when performing inspections;
• Sections 4 and 5 provide specific guidance to consider when inspecting wading pools or spray/ splash pads; and
• Additional information and related resources are included in the appendices (e.g., recommended contents for a first aid kit).
In the development of this guidance document, the Public Pools Regulation (O. Reg. 565) and Public Spas Regulation (O. Reg. 428/05) were reviewed with the intent of aligning recommendations with existing standards. As a result, recommendations for inspecting nonregulated recreational water facilities align with the Public Spas Regulation, wherever possible, based on the smaller water volume and other similar characteristics in the water facilities covered herein.
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