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Golf Contracts

23-Jun-2010 [406]

• City golf courses are not run by city staff

Part of Contracts

Date: May 26, 2010
To: Community Development and Recreation Committee
From: Brenda Patterson, General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Wards: 2, 10, 11, 16, 23, 35, 39
Reference Number: P:\2010\Cluster A\PFR\CD34-062410-AFS#12183


The purpose of this report is to report back to the Community Development and Recreation Committee prior to the expiry of the current extension of the Agreement between the City and Golf Plus Marketing Inc. and prior to the issuance of the next Request for Proposal (RFP), on ensuring continued access to community user groups, including seniors, women and youth, to City-run golf courses, and including any other goals or priorities of the City in this regard.

Under the terms of the current agreement with Golf Plus Marketing Inc. (GPMI), a variety of different programs and services are offered at each of the City-run golf courses.

In addition, other programs and services that promote community access are administered by the golf professional staff.

The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division will ensure that the current programs and services at each of the City-run golf courses continue to be provided and performed. The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division will also ensure that access to community user groups including seniors, women and youth, continues to be offered and that any future program development related to the needs of any community user groups is included in future Requests for Proposal.