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Police Reference Check Program

31-May-2010 [349]

Part of Police

Approved by: City Council
Date Approved: June 9, 1999
Source: Parks and Recreation
Date Revised: May 14, 2004
Category: Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Sub-cat: Recreation

Police Reference Check Program (pdf)

Policy Statement

Police reference checks ( PRCs) are conducted on all successful new candidates for specific part-time positions of employment in the Parks and Recreation Division where the primary duty requires direct contact with children and/or vulnerable adults.  A Police Reference check is the final condition used to assist in determining suitability for employment and must be satisfied before a final offer of employment is made.  Police Reference Checks are conducted by Toronto Police Services (TPS).


Child – any person who is under the age of 18 years

Vulnerable Adult  –  A person who, because of their physical or mental disability or because the person is otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by persons in a position of authority or trust relative to them, is in a relationship of dependency where the person has ceded power to the other and is hence, literally, "at the mercy" of the other.

Positions Requiring PRCs

Part-time Recreation Worker positions where the primary duty requires direct contact with children and/or vulnerable adults.  Refer to the   district-specific part-time position list to determine which positions require a PRC.  PRCs are done only on new hires which is defined as:

  • An individual who has never worked for the City of Toronto or,
  • An individual who has worked for the City of Toronto but not in the previous 12 months and has been terminated.