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Bake Oven Policy: 2009 DRAFT

31-May-2010 [344]

• A draft developed without consultation

Feb. 9, 2009 Bake Oven Policy 2009 -DRAFT (pdf)

Policy Statement

This policy addresses requirements and procedures relating to the approval, installation and operation of an outdoor bake oven on City-owned parkland.


An outdoor bake oven is an enclosed freestanding, masonry or pre-cast building having an oven opening, with a fire set inside the oven chamber to retain heat, for the purpose of baking food, by burning clean, dry seasoned wood, in such a manner that the products of combustion (e.g. smoke) resulting from fires are emitted directly into the air.

“General Manager” means the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation or his or her designate.


To provide a consistent, city-wide approach to procedures for approval, installation, operation, maintenance and monitoring of outdoor bake ovens on City-owned parkland;