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·1· Police services board

28-Jun-2010 [238]

• after the G20 -- Message from Ward 20 City Councillor Adam Vaughan: how to let the Police Services Board know what you saw

Part of Police

Dear Residents of the Ward,

It’s over!

Thank you for your patience and determination. It was an impossibly busy and complex weekend. Our neighbourhoods were home to some of the most violent and dangerous acts of public disorder this city has ever seen, but we survived.

As the city and our communities return to normal I’d also like to thank all of you for your words of support in the last few days. I am lucky to have amazing staff providing assistance to residents and businesses and your kind words sustained their efforts to serve others in the ward. Thanks to you and them.

While the summit has left, there are still issues to deal with related to the event. Fences will take a week to ten days to be cleared. Transit and pedestrian routes are getting priority in terms of being made clear for passage. A few minor demonstrations are still expected, but none on the scale that we witnessed this past weekend. They are also not expected to be staged in the communities affected by last week’s violent events.

My office is continuing to press for full compensation for residents and businesses impacted by security measures. We have no reports of any residential buildings being damaged by protestors. If there are reports of residential property damage please forward them to my office. If you wish to add your voice to the chorus of people demanding compensation for small businesses targeted by the vandals please write and send your letter to the Prime Minister at the following address:

Postal mail:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
(no postage required)


Significant concerns about policing have been raised by many in the community. Some of you have complained about too much police presence and force, while some are critical about insufficient protection. As many are aware I serve as a member of the Toronto Police Service Board. Individuals or groups can forward specific complaints or raise issues of public policy with this body. Provincial legislation limits and restricts my ability to respond directly to specific incidents.

Civilian oversight of policing is a cornerstone of community safety, and while I cannot comment directly on particular concerns at this time, please be assured that all of your letters, emails and phone calls are being absorbed and will inform my perspective as the Board evaluates the events of the last few days. The Toronto Police Service has a comprehensive complaints process and any citizen can appear to comment on issues related to policing at our public meetings. I am confident that there will be a full public process of examination. If you need more information on the complaints process please follow the following link:

Office of the Independent Police Review Director:

The globe and Mail: G20 review will focus on decision-making process: police board chair


The Globe and Mail: Police board inquiry lacks power for full G20 review: former members