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Lobbying non-profits

30-May-2010 [232]

• When is an approach to city councillers not lobbying?

Part of Lobbying

Not-for-profit organizations – exemptions from registration

See: Toronto Municipal Code, Lobbying, Chapter 140 as amended, 140-4 as amended, 140-1, 140-27, 140-11

Exemption when acting in official capacity

Generally, not-for-profit organizations do not have to register if they lobby while acting in their official capacity.


Some types of not-for-profit organizations are required to register when they lobby, regardless of whether they are acting in their official capacity, including:

  • An organization related to professions, labour groups, business, industry or a for-profit entity;
  • An organization that is funded by a for-profit entity to advance the financial or commercial interests of the for-profit entity.

When a not-for-profit organization hires a consultant lobbyist to lobby on its behalf, the consultant lobbyist must register.


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